Mar 18, 2005 02:32
that quote brings me to my entry today. today i was reminded of the terrible things people do to each other and how easly innosence is lost. i rember the horrors ive seen and those of my firends. life isnt easy and to save whats left of my innosence i have had to take a stance much like the quote depicts. rape will always happen murder will always happen and there is nothing we can do about it. it makes one feel so powerless to realize all you can do is pick up the pieces. the deep scars the people can inflict on one another seem to be able to shake us to the core scarring our very souls. the ones that have seen the darkest side of humanity are forever altered by it. not matter how much they resemble their former self they will never be that person again. that person is for lack of a better word dead, mourn it and move on; that is what you have to do. i know some people that give so much of them self to try and help those few unfortuneates, and it takes its toll. if they are not careful the dark place they touch will become where they live and the fantisys of vengance will seem more and more like a psheseable reality. these people willingly scrafice their innosence for those that have had theirs stolen. i both pitty and congradulate them, i lost so much of mine a long time ago and i thought i had lost it all, some survived and i would rather die then lose what remains; i congradulate them because they represent the best a human can be but i pitty them for what is lost in acheving that. you can only touch that darkness for so long before it mars your soul and the mark left is diffrent then if you experence the darkness first hand. my advice to those that read this and know of what i speak; if you are of those that scrafice continue but rember you must be a little self-centered to continute to be selfless.
"you kill the spiders to save the butterflys, seems like a great idea untill you realize in doing it you too be come a spider."
one cannot fight the darkness with out inturn takeing it in, that is the nature of things, sad but true on a level you just have to deal with it. you have two choices you can accept it your you cant. you can also accept that you can never stop the evil in he it has to exist or you cant. from that you get more choices you can fight to prevent its spread or help those cought in its wake or do nothing or any of the other seemingly limitless choices available. dealing is harder then it sounds but it is something you have to do, life is cruel, nature is cruel, people are cruel. the sad part is that so many do nothing and they ignore the problem and yes it is fuitle to try and win but unless some people keep fighting it is only going to get worce. laws dont stop people from doing what they wish it is the soical stigma and the fear of punishment, even then its not enough to stop some. every few minutes another woman is raped in the us i shudder to think how many have been raped sence i started writeing this and most will never report it. cases on tv like the kobe bryant case im sure dont help with reporting becuase the victem is the one truely on trial. justice is a wierd consept for me, i dont know if i really belive in it. but that is a tale for another day