Oct 27, 2005 12:23
I am at school being extremely bored. I am sure there is work that I should be doing, but I am not going to...I bullshitted my math homework or well I Cheated and I am sure he knows I don't even think that I handed it in with my name on it but it would be great for me if I didn't so that I wouldn't get in trouble for cheating but I don't care...I wasn't planning on turning the paper in anyways, but oh well. I guess I won't worry too much about it he probably won't count it because he knows that I cheated. lol. I am so tired...I am suppose to be doing work study but I don't feel like it I would rather be talking or whatever, writing this journal. I haven't been sleeping much. Last night I had this dream that this guy gave me super powers after killing my whole family...and he didn't realize that he had you know given me powers and he tried killing me too...He tried to drowned me, than I turned invisible and hid in the attic...than he burned the house down trying to scare me out, but I just ran and hid inside of a tree....he never found me but I couldn't sleep after having that dream. It bothered me rather badly. But it was just a dream. What else to say I am so bored. Justin looked hella sexy today, but he always looks sexy so it is nothing new really but he took my breath away! Ah....lol! He is remarkable! I love him...My hair looks really pretty right now not trying to be concieded or anything, but I feel pretty. lalalala. I will be 18 in exactly one month how insane I didn't figure I would have to wait this long lol. It seems so close or soon and yet so far away. I wish for happiness...I hope that Justin is able to buy me something for my birfday...He has been more excited about it than I have, but I am beginning to get excited, but for what reason....I won't be receiving anything. I know that isn't a good way to look at anything, but I don't ever get birfday presents and I just wish for one year that would change. I will be 18 for goodness sakes. I love him though whether he buys me anything or not. Anywho I am going to go....I have nothing else really to say other than I love choch=olate lol! later dayz....