Mood Themes

Jun 30, 2008 23:44

I've been getting some comments saying that the links to the mood theme zips aren't working anymore, and I just wanted to apologize and assure you guys that they will be back up soon.

Some asshat kept hacking into my website and uploading phishing material without me knowing it. Even though it wasn't my fault, my webhost viewed it as a violation of their Terms of Service and suspended my account. So now I have to find a new host and reupload EVERYTHING, all of my websites and files (*points to blank space where header graphic once lived*), including these mood themes.

I know it's inconvenient (believe me, I know), but I hope to have them up again very soon.

I'm really sorry you guys couldn't get to them when you wanted them and I hope you'll check back again later. If you friend/watch this community, I'll post again when they're back up and then you can nab them.

Thanks for the patience and understanding.
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