Hello peeps! To make up for my depressing posts of late, this one will be only filled with *SQUEE!* Firstly because I am chock-full of Twilight goodness. *heavy sigh* Come on you Twilighters out there, I know you share my joy. Three disks of Edward goodness do wonders for the spirit. :-) Secondly, it was sixty degrees out today and I went for a walk with my hubby and smallest daughter at a nearby park. Also does wonders for the spirit! We've had a lot of rain and flooding so I took a picture...this area isn't normally filled with water, but the ducks seem to like it. :-)
Thirdly, a wicked
ms_erupt gave me three impossible choices for this meme...
1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of 3 people.
4) Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.
I would marry Eric Bana...
When it comes down to it, how can any woman resist having six feet four inches of white hot Aussie hunk-to-infinity as a permanent resident? Eric is SO the marrying kind.
I would shag Orlando Bloom
Let's face it...he's totally and completely shaggable. Truly my first serious fangirly crush. Plus, he's really bendy. :-)
This hurts me much more than it hurts him, but...
I would throw Karl Urban off a cliff...
...and then race to the bottom, scoop him up, hide him behind Eric and take him home with me. =P Damn, that boy man is gorgeous, and though he may not be my first choice on the Mar Bar, I can't give him up. *slurp*