So, we all know that S's (aka
chaotic4life) BBM pics are going to kick the living shit out of mine, so check out her lj post
If anyone feels like anticlimaticism, check out mine on
photobucket. I'd mention the comments/repost/hotlink yada but frankly, I think S is the one at risk of that!Oooh, by the way S - don't forget to scan the pic of you, Jason
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*sigh* he is so pretty...
I think Mandy is trying to out stare him in her pic LOL!
oh and there's that bitch in Cor's pic, who tapped me on my shoulder and told me to move on when Jason was talking to me... grrr!!!
Cor - can I post my pic on my LJ? I want everyone else to see!!!
Right.... back to watching more VM - I'm upto 1x06 now :D
Of course post it! You have to parade it in everyone's face!!! I only wish there was one of me with his hands on me like that. I would totally have felt it!!!
Thanks for the bday wishes! You inspired me - I watched the first 3 eps of VM Season 1 last night! I really had forgotten how much I loved that show!
I need more Jason touchage in March so that I can remember what it feels like!!! ;)
I am gutted - my friend has had my S1&2 discs since a year last February and I downloaded half of S1 - watched 6 eps and the second disc won't work!! I'm now watching S3.... I do love me some Logan - just finished the streaking scene *izdead*
Particularly for the ones I took of you gals!
It always amazes me how interested he looks when he talks to people,
Me too! I don't know how he manages to do it when he has to talk to so many strangers! One more RAD part of his charm!
Jason touchage! Jason touchage! *flails*
You must get your discs back!!!
I don't own S3 yet. I will get there, if only for completeness sake (as S1 and S2 are my faves). OMG, the streaking scene!!! *falls down dead beside you*
The one of me and Stef amuses me, you can see you in the mirror taking the photo!!
He is totally RAD!!!
Lisa is loaning me hers till I get mine back - I can't beleive it's been so long since I've watched it!!!
Hahaha! I never noticed I was reflected in the mirror. Good pick up.
I don't think I haven't watched S1 since 2007! What sort of bad VM fan am I?!
and it was a life changing 2min38seconds as well... that is never going to get boring!
I thought I was bad for not seeing in ages... now I don't feel so bad LOL!
*g* Nope, it will never get boring!
I am a bad bad fangirl!
LMAO, what?
Madny, you were totally staring at him adoringly!
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