So, we all know that S's (aka
chaotic4life) BBM pics are going to kick the living shit out of mine, so check out her lj post
If anyone feels like anticlimaticism, check out mine on
photobucket. I'd mention the comments/repost/hotlink yada but frankly, I think S is the one at risk of that!
Oooh, by the way S - don't forget to scan the pic of you, Jason, and me!
*sigh* his ever mobile hands
Mr Stef!
Two clowns:
nicers - argh look it's the blonde cow who pushed you off!!!
Recap still to come. Darn this worklife that gets in the way of the much-more-important el-jay life! I think I'm a third of the way through my notes (not that they're that long and comprehensive, but just that I haven't had time to do them!).
Heh, I have the "Lisa, it's your birthday" The Simpsons song in my head. Stupid, coz my name isn't Lisa but I guess that just shows what sort of nutjob I am!