introduction time!

May 13, 2008 23:55

Name: Melissa
Location: Minnesota
Age: 20
List: my list

About Me: i've recently discovered that i'm a very eclectic person - i change my likes and dislikes from time to time and i hate ever trying to pinpoint myself as one exact personality/archetype. but there are some things that will always stay the same: i'm incredibly opinionated, stubborn, loyal, and sarcastic. i absolutely love cadbury chocolate, the rain, my gigantic movie collection, and dressing up. a goal of mine in life is to eventually live somewhere overseas, whether it be in europe or latin america.

About My List: my main list (my "to-do list") is a list of things i want to do/accomplish in my lifetime. i want to set some milestones for myself so i can look back and actually think i've accomplished something while i'm here on earth. haha. nothing in particular really inspires the list - in fact, some of the things i've added to it have been quite random, just popping into my head at will.


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