
May 12, 2008 20:24

Name: Stephanie
Location: FL, USA
Age: 23
List: my list

About Me: (talk about yourself, likes, dislikes, what inspires you, goals, etc.)
I recently graduated from college with a BS and I plan to go back at some point to get a Master's in Reading Education. I'm hyper and random, I can't seem to keep my mind on one thing (unless I'm reallllllly focused on it.) I love to be organized.

About My List: (talk about your list, what kind of things do you want to do, what inspires your list, etc.)
My list consist of random things that I've thought "I want to do that!" throughout my life. They are things that may help me become a better person or help others. Some things on my list will push me to achieve some dreams I have.


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