
Jan 24, 2007 18:25

Went to my Grandad's 80th Birthday party over the weekend. 250 miles-ish each way. Took my laptop.

So I wrote Torchwood fic for half the journey. ^_^

The party was quite fun. Lots of crazy relatives, a very nice meal, loads of talking and teasing and suchlike. Met a fair few of said crazy relatives that I've never met before, had a few of them try to talk me into going to Cambridge instead of LJMU... Ha. No.

And had weird dreams. Again.

One I can't remember so well - there were three girls being taught magic, somehow I wound up being one of them, and getting very freaked out when I realised that the teacher had the name of one of my characters, and had also written the book we were learning from. There was a fight between me and the other girls. And I'm annoyed I can't remember it any more than that, because the magic/training system was new and original and I liked it. And I've forgotten it.

The other one was another chase dream. I was walking home after school (but on unfamiliar streets - not my home town) and there was a group of boys ahead of me. One of them was being bullied by the others. It started to get physical, with them pushing him around and beginning to hit him, and then one of the three girls walking ahead of them stopped, and started to walk back. I felt quite worried for her, because I didn't think it was a good idea to step in - she could get hurt. And then I was her, going back to help the boy being bullied.

I pulled him away, and we ran for it. Everything got a bit confused after that. We went running across streets and down alleys, with this massive crowd of school-people following us, howling for our blood. At one point we climbed some railings around a graveyard, but there were benches crowded in there, and we went hopping from the back of one bench to another until I spotted a friend of mine (Griffin!) sitting on one of the benches, and we went to sit beside her. The swarm of school-people hunting us came in over the railings, but didn't see us. So we slipped out again, and when they tried to follow, Griffin double-bluffed them. She pointed after us and said we'd gone that way, but they wouldn't believe her because she was my friend, and went the other way.

We ran through a load of alleyways and so on, and then came to a flat brick wall we couldn't get over. We were cornered.

And I woke up.

Yeah. Weird. But Torchwood fic is going well.

dreams, updates, randomness

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