Random OMG I'm sleepy drabblet.

Jul 07, 2008 02:44

Title: Inspector Has No Gaydar.
Fandom: Speed Racer
Pairing: Speed/Inspector (Inspeed!)
Rating: PG
Words: 713
Summary: Inspector Detector wasn't just a name... It was a way of life.
Notes: I'm so tired... so this might suck. I'd love to expand on this someday when I'm not so OMG-Insane-Tired XP<3

Inspector Detector enjoyed living up to his name. He had a keen sense about things that made him impervious to second guesses and invaluable in his extremely detail oriented line of work. He could tell who was at his office door before they ever knocked, he could instantly see little details in a crime scene that would leave his colleagues baffled for days, he could tell you what you needed before you’d even know yourself.

I mean, having an almost freakish gift for premonition was excellent and all but sometimes it really took some of the excitement out of it all. Inspector prided himself on his abilities and used them to the fullest at all times but every now and then he’d give a little sigh and shake his head before calling out to the person behind his office door, before they ever knocked, that it was open and they were welcome in.

So maybe that was why when the knock at his door startled him so that he literally jumped in his seat, that he couldn’t manage to break the grin that crossed his face.

“Come in.” He cleared his throat, honestly not knowing who it was. It unnerved and excited him all at once.

“Sorry to bother you, Inspector.” Speed Racer peeked shyly from behind the door, not even bothering to enter completely.

“Speed? Please! Come in.” Inspector stood, gesturing to the seat across from him. He watched as Speed entered nervously, looking all the part like a boy lost in a department store, “What can I do for you?”

Speed entered, jumping slightly as the door broke the silence, closing loudly behind him.

“Uhhh… sorry.” he blushed slightly and Inspector smiled, merely lifting a hand as if to brush it off.

Inspector watched him for a moment. Speed alone was an enigma to him. One he’d yet to crack… and that amused him very much so.

He slowly walked around to the front of his desk, perching on the edge of it. Speed walked almost right up to him and stopped.

“I just… kinda wanted to thank you. For everything.” Speed spoke clearly but quickly, only able to look Inspector in the eye through the sheer force of his will telling him it was the honorable thing to do although his face grew redder by the second. Inspector laughed.

“You have been a great asset to us, Speed. I couldn’t have asked to work with a better young man.” Inspector spoke truthfully but found his thoughts far from the conversation. What did Speed really want? Who made a special trip out of nowhere just for a simple ‘thank-you’? What little details was he not seeing in the way Speed moved?, or the way he looked him?? What was it about Speed Racer that excited him so much?

“W…well… yes… b…b…but… well…” Speed swallowed hard, his blush only getting worse as he stammered. Finally he just smiled timidly and moved forward, striking Inspector Detector so of guard as their lips touched that a shudder flew through him and he clung desperately to his breath which tried so very hard to escape him in a shocked gasp.

Speed moved away just as quickly, looking every bit and all proud of himself. He seemed less nervous now, managing to smile again as he took a step back. Inspector couldn’t be sure through the sound of his own heart drowning out the room, but he thought he heard Speed chuckle slightly even.

“Thanks. I mean it.” Speed took his leave and it took everything Inspector Detector had to manage the word “Anytime.” without tripping over it miserably.

Speed left and Inspector sat at the edge of his desk, wide eyed and brushing his fingers against his lips in silent wonder. He had so many talents at his beck and call. He was the Chief Inspector and he took an almost insane pride in it.

But in the end… even Inspector Detector was as blind as any man when it came to it… He had no idea how many forms love could take. He had no idea when it would strike… He never stood a chance against it. And as the smile on his face grew larger, he realized just how much he liked it.

inspector detector, speed racer, speed

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