Forgotten Ficcage! XD<3 This is what happens when I dig through my fic folder XD

Jul 06, 2008 11:30

Title: Dreading The Dawn
Fandom: Speed Racer
Pairing: Speed/Inspector (Inspeed!)
Rating: PG
Words: 439
Summary: Morning always comes and Inspector always leaves, no matter how much Speed doesn't want him to. Everyday Speed thinks to himself "Maybe today will be different."
Notes: XD I forgot I wrote this for Corey(morbidmoony) really quick before work one night! <3

Speed looked out his window to the pink and orange clouds and his heart sank a little. He always dreaded the dawn at times like these.

It was a feeling that had been long forgotten on the young man. To snuggle down close to a warm body and breathe them in softly. Fingers traced feathery light patterns soothingly down his back and goose bumps rose along his body as he shivered at the deliciously calming sensation of it all.

He had felt lost and alone for so long, trying desperately to find meaning in his life through everything from his brother’s death to the hard steel and fire of the racetrack. He realized all too late that these things alone couldn’t make life worth living. You can never live for the past… and the excitement and passion for the track could only sedate him for precious minutes at a time. So what did he have now?, What could possibly compel Speed Racer to wake up each day and push onward?

“We should get up now, Speed.” Came that voice, soft and alluring into Speed’s ear. It played with his heart like fireworks going off to hear that beautiful accent whisper his name so lovingly. Sighing through a grin, Speed nuzzled himself closer to the man, resting his head against the man’s shoulder and sliding his arm around the man’s neck.

“Just 10 more minutes?” Speed sighed, knowing the Inspector was a very disciplined man and rarely, if ever, let himself give in to his indulgences. He could dream though, right?

“You know I have to go to work, Speed.” He sounded more sympathetic than Speed had expected. A sign that even he didn’t want to leave. There was hope yet!

“What if I kidnap you and don’t let you go?” Speed giggled slightly, moving his arm down around Inspector’s chest and sliding a leg over Inspector’s waist as if to pin him there.

It took him a long moment to respond, He glanced down at Speed with his eyebrow arched and the slightest of grins on his face. Speed was completely unprepared for the Inspector’s answer.

“Then… I guess I’m stuck here.” The Inspector sighed as if truly distraught even as he snuggled down into the bed a little more, his arm sliding up around Speed‘s shoulders. When Speed smiled like he was just then the Inspector knew work could wait… hell the whole world could wait… as long as Speed Racer wanted them to.

Speed sighed happily now, glancing towards his window again as if to mock the morning for failing to steal his Inspector away this time.

And another! XD<3

Title: Fast Forward Lovers.
Fandom: Speed Racer
Pairing: Speed/X
Rating: NC-17 (albeit short and muddy)
Words: 247
Summary: They don't do anything slow for real.
Notes: Wrote this one in like 15 minutes for Joci (Kyoudai_Koibito)

They moved quickly, chasing the victory with the refined grace of racers and all the messy passion of lovers. Clothes were tossed aside without so much as a missed touch and Speed couldn’t even remember having his pants taken off.

They moved quicker still, desperately wanting to fall into the other X pulls Speed on top of him and within moments they’re crashing into one another, more brilliant than any race and with all the intensity of free falling through the air at 400 miles per hour they hold on to one another for all they’re worth. Panting and moaning each others names like cheers and wishing desperately this feeling would never end.

With a final jump and a silent cry, they fly into their own personal victory lane, millions of flash bulbs capturing the intensity of it all in their minds… and as Speed collapses again X, taking in gulps of air and exhaling ragged breaths he smiles. Nothing in the world could have been more perfect than this. Well… except…

“Next time…” Speed’s voice was hoarse from his passionate moaning and name calling, “We should try… and make it… to the bedroom.”

It wasn’t until then that X realized they’d hardly made it past the front door of the Racer household. Sprawled out of the living room carpet… a T-shirt hung over the lamp shade casting the room in a blue hue. They both chuckled and started cleaning up before anyone decided to come home.

inspector detector, speed racer, speed

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