Would you like a continuation of one of my drabbles?
Or a 'deleted scene' from Keep Calm and Conceal Vulcans or Half a Dream Away?
Perhaps you'd like another addition to my Mirror!verse world or Kelvin!verse.
Or maybe you just want to request a 3k fic or three 1k drabbles/timestamps from one of these fandoms: K/S, Pinto, Dean/Cas, J2, Eames/Arthur - Trek femslash or het, even!
Well, I thought I'd have a go at the fanfic charity auction to
help_nz. Basically, you bid on me, and when you come out on top, you can request anything and I will get it done for you!
I figure the worst that can happen is that no one bids - and so be it! At least I put myself out there to help in my own way. I would donate money myself, but right now my husband and I live in the negatives of our bank account, so if I can help in this way, I will!
So have a look at my
Masterlist! Perhaps you'll come across an old drabble that you'd always wished had a day after or a month or year after. Whatever you want - I'm here to serve!
HERE IS MY AUCTION THREAD. ![](http://pics.livejournal.com/lalazee/pic/0002cpr4)