I ask that anyone who reads this make comments. And give me real, tangible suggestions. Print out a copy and annote it! Some key questions I want answered
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I cannot prove my creativity and intelligence comes from being left handed*PERIOD OR SEMICOLON,NOT A COMMA* it is something I just know. Mugette is wise- left handed people ARE geniuses, as any left handed person can understand. But chances are you, the reader, are right handed. You, the reader, must think me pompous. TAKE ALL OF THIS OUT-->Yet I, a Christian in a predominately Christian society, do not know the plight of being a Muslim in a predominately Christian society.<--YOU CAN'T INTRODUCE SOMETHING IN A CONCLUSION THAT YOU HAVEN'T DISCUSSED IN THE BODY OF THE PAPER You may judge me, but ponder this when you question my intelligence: Bill Gates is a leftie. My forefathers were slapped as children for being left handed; I am left to cultivate my oddity as I chose. AND I WOULD ADVISE AGAINST TELLING THE PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING TO JUDGE YOUR PAPER NOT TO JUDGE YOU. INSTEAD TELL WHY YOU THINK YOUR ARGUMENT IS ACCURATE AND PROVIDE SUPPORT. JUST THAT BILL GATES IS A LEFTIE MAY NOT BE ENOUGH SUPPORT...MAYBE PROVIDE A COUPLE MORE GENIUS EXAMPLES?
Don't mind the caps. I just wanted to distinguish between your writing and my own. Good luck :)
Don't mind the caps. I just wanted to distinguish between your writing and my own. Good luck :)
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