Nov 10, 2006 18:27
I ask that anyone who reads this make comments. And give me real, tangible suggestions. Print out a copy and annote it! Some key questions I want answered:
~Any grammatical/spelling/usage/syntax errors?
~Are my sentences/paragraphs placed in the most effective and logical location?
~Should I trash any part of this essay, words/sentences/paragraphs?
~Is this appropriate for a College Essay? (Boston University and University of Vermont are the two that require essays)
Keep in mind that this is currently 499 words and must be 500 words or less. SO, if suggesting I add an extra bit of something, please also suggest a bit of something I can remove. Thanks :D
Left handed people suffer silently in a world that was not made with them in mind. I often walk down the bustling city sidewalk and look the passers-by in the eyes; there is a tell-tale look a leftie possesses. A blatant air of determination, chin held high, eyes gleaming with confidence and an ink stain running down the length of the pinkie finger on the left hand. There is an elderly woman I know named Mugette who tells me every time she sees me, “Left-handed people are geniuses.” Every time I laugh and reply, “I know. I am a genius.” There is well deserved and completely justified snobbery in being a left handed member of society. Engineers create products and tools to benefit the majority- the “righties”- leaving left-handed people to fend for themselves. Consequently, lefties are more ingenious, are better able to solve difficult problems, and are overall more intelligent than right handed people as the result of the way we must live our daily lives.
As a lover of ice cream, I am devastated that I will never be able to work in an ice cream parlor without developing serious medical complications. In order to scoop up some rocky road, I must swivel my arm a full 360 degrees and then release the sweet treat from the scoop with my index finger. This is not only inconvenient, but when done repeatedly I am at high risk for developing tendonitis. You see, the ice cream scoop was made with right handed people in mind.
When taking a long exam or lengthy notes in any class, I find my left arm fatigues easily. School desks are designed for right handed people to rest their right arm on the desk’s surface as they write. Lefties, on the other hand (pun intended) must hold their own arm up causing muscle strain and distraction.
I come from a family of lefties; my father and both of my grandfathers have faced this challenge before me. They are all incredibly smart and creative people. We have been forced to adapt to our surroundings, to think in a different way than we are inclined. Right handed people, as the majority, never learn to think differently. The world is designed for right handed people. The box humanity is encouraged to think outside of is filled with righties.
I cannot prove my creativity and intelligence comes from being left handed, it is something I just know. Mugette is wise- left handed people ARE geniuses, as any left handed person can understand. But chances are you, the reader, are right handed. You, the reader, must think me pompous. Yet I, a Christian in a predominately Christian society, do not know the plight of being a Muslim in a predominately Christian society. You may judge me, but ponder this when you question my intelligence: Bill Gates is a leftie. My forefathers were slapped as children for being left handed; I am left to cultivate my oddity as I chose.