(no subject)

Jan 16, 2008 13:14

Real Life:

Finished my third full day this week of teaching. God, that's really challenging. Fun, though!


Fandom Meme:

Name your Fandom(s):

- Wrestling
- Torchwood

Name your five favourite characters:

- RVD - Ianto Jones
- Sabu - Captain Jack Harkness
- HBK - The Weevils
- CJ - Gwen Cooper
- Rhino - Myfanwy

Name your five least favourite characters:

- Hulk Hogan - Owen Harper
- Big Daddy V - .....
- Mark Henry
- The Great Khali
- JBL (when wrestling)

Name five things you love about your fandom:

- It has so many interesting 'characters'.
- There's something for everyone.
- A fun combination of athletics and entertainment.
- It's a whole different world, almost.
- Being able to support someone fully and get to know them.

Writing Wrestling
- There is no set canon, so you have a lot of things to choose from.
- All the wrestling storylines and angles make for great inspiration.
- It's so different from real life that you can really get into it and see a whole different side.
- It has so many fans that writing a good fic is difficult. I love the challenge.
- The men are so goddamn pretty and slashy. (Oh yes, I'm shallow.)

- The sci-fi/fantasy combination.
- The open gay/lesbian scenes and relationships. They don't make a fuss about it.
- Jack/Ianto
- Captain Jack Harkness
- The quirkyness about it. Anything could happen. (Like Jack dying over and over and over again. *smirk*)

Name five things you don't like about the fandom:

- The goddamn politics.
- The bashing of wrestlers and wrestling fans alike. So unnecessary.
- The politics.
- The elitists who can't justlet people enjoy what they want. (Smarks.)
- Did I mention the politics?

Writing Wrestling
- The fact that so many wrestlers are written to be weepy, worrying girls. They're men, damnit!
- The fact that some people consider their OTP to be holy, and the only possible way for those two wrestlers to be paired up. Wrestler A and Wrestler B have to be together, otherwise they won't read the fic. In fact, should Wrestler A hook up with Wrestler C, then the initial responce would be 'Oh, Wrestler B wouldn't let that happen.' I love RVD/Sabu, but I'm not going to have a fit if people pair Rob with Jerry Lynn, or Sabu with Rhino. Same goes for women 'omg, breaking up the OTP!!!'. Just, no.
- The fact that so many wrestlers can do nothing but have sex. Sex, sex, sex, for hours on end. It's not like they have a job, or anything.
- The lack of ECW fic. *pout*
- The fact that some people seem to think today's writers are worth shit and long for the good old days.

- Eeeh, so far I've been really impressed with the writing side of this fandom.



Sabu: "You coming?"
Sheik: "No, man, there's a fricking bat flying around!"
Sabu: ....

Sabu: "There, I scared it away. Happy now?"

Sheik: "And now there's a ghost! What's wrong with this place?"
Sabu: "Argh."

Sheik: "By the way, what's with the pink pants?"
Sabu: *sighs* "Shut up."

Shawn: *prance, prance*

You know, Rob, Kane and Sabu on the same team sounds like a bad idea. Kane is always looking for more bondage sessions with Rob, and I doubt Sabu would appreciate that. Oooh, interesting.

Sabu: "I am so cool."
Audience: "Meh."

Sabu: "Nooo, I am cool. See? Watch out below!"
Audience: "Okay, you have a point."

Rob: "See me? I am cool too!"

Rob: "So.Very.Cool!"

Rob: "He wins, though."
Sila: "You flirt."

Sabu: "Hmm, I wonder if Rob is going to flirt with me again."

Sabu: "That would be awesome."

Sabu: *finishes stretching* "I bet he will."

Sabu: "Yep, I'm ready!"

Rob: "Yo, I'm over here!"
Sabu: "Shut up!"

Rob: "I love teaming with you."
Sabu: "I know."
Rob: "Can we team up lat-"

Lashley: "Boo!"
Sabu: "Aaaah!"

Rob: *whines* "Bobby!"
Lashley: "What?"
Rob: "You scared him away!"

Ignore Cena, focus on the sign instead. Innocent, yeah right. ;)

Sabu: "Finlay, stop dragging my boyfriend around like that!"

Finlay: "Did anyone hear something?"
Rest: "Nope."

MVP: "That Sabu guy? Is he crazy?"
Rob: "What?"
MVP: "He's doing a funny dance."
Rob: "Huh?"

Sabu: *does silly dance*

Rob: ... "You have a point."
Sabu: "God, what did I just do?"

Rob: "What spot was next, again? I remember not liking the thought... Now what was it..."

Rob: *gets kicked in the head* "Oh yeah, that one. Owwww."

Rob: "Nggg, I see little stars. And a god-ugly face. Oh, that's Test. My mistake."

Rob: *waits patiently for his boyfriend*
Sila: "Aren't you cute! Really, isn't he just precious??"

Sabu: "I win! That's what you get for kicking my boyfriend in the head. Muhahaha."

Sabu: "Oh, fuck."

Sabu: "Ah, well, at least I outlasted Rob. I can make fun of him for that."

Rob: "Sabu? You done yet??"

Sabu: "What the fuck?? You waited for me??"

Rob: "Yeah, of course. I'm a good boyfriend. Come here, you."

Sila: "That has got to be the cutest thing I've seen in ages."

Sila: "Someone's playing bondage again."

Sila: "Raven does seem the type for it, though."

Sila: "Poor Sonjay, though."
Sonjay: "I don't want to play bondage with Raven! The guy creeps me out! HELP!"

Sabu: "I hear pretty pleading! Off to the rescue!"

Sabu: "You again? What, annoyed we never feuded in ECW? Get over it. Really."

Raven: "Oh, shut up."

Sabu: "You, the biggest loudmouth in ECW, are telling me to shut up? Right."

Sabu: "Excuse me, I need to check on my pretty boyfriend."

Sabu: "Wait...this isn't Rob. Where's Rob??"
Raven: "This is TNA!"
Sabu: "TNA? What's TNA?"

Raven: "Could you at least pretend you know where you are??"
Sabu: "Where's Rob?"
Raven: "In the WWE, damnit!"

Raven: "Snap out of it!"

Sabu: "Not that was not nice."
Raven: "Bite me!"

Raven: O_O "Ohoh!"

Sabu: "You're really starting to piss me off."
Raven: "Yeah, I have that effect on people."

Sabu: "Hey, kid. If I save you, will you drive me around and get me food?"

Sabu: "Stop raining on my parade, damnit! Fuck off!"

Sabu: "Grrrrr."
Raven: "Eh?"

Sonjay: "I'm done with everything. Now what do I do?"
Sabu: "Go call Rob. He'll get pissy if I don't let him know how I'm doing. And ask him to come down here. I'm horny."
Sonjay: "Awww." *pout*

Sabu: "Oh, stop your crying. Fine, I'll call him myself. Jeesh."

Sila: "Yeah, nothing funny to say here."

Sila: "My capping skills pawn!"

Sila: "...."

Sila: "A kilt, harem pants, a sheet, and body paint?? What are you people on??!"

Sila: "Really, I don't know what to say..."

Sila: "You're both tools."

Sila: "Really, it's....GAH." O_O

Sila: "Biting...of course. Can't get any worse."

Sila: "Except, they're now sharing blood. Not cool, dude."

Sila: "Role reversal..."

Sila: "Yeah, that's basically my reaction as well."

Sila: "Yep, that's what you get."

Raven: "Now I remember why I never wrestled Sabu. Owww."

Rhino: "See, I can do porncovers too!"

Rhino: "Van Dam has nothing on me!"

Sila: "Aww, you just want Sabu for yourself."
Rhino: "Shut up. I'm so much cooler than RVD."

Sila: "Talking about Rob..."

Sila: "Gah, you so pretty."

Rob: "Now, no one go staring at my crotch! That's off-limits!"

Rob: "No, really."

Rob: "Really, really."

Rob: "Same goes for you, Mikey. That's Sabu's property only."

Mikey: "Oh shut up already!"
Rob: "Hey!"

Rob: "Damned people and their groping."

Rob: "Perhaps I can make Sabu jealous, though. That should be fun."

Rob: "Mikey, wanna give me a hand?"

Rob: "Handjob? No, not like that! You dirty fucker!"

Mikey: "Can I grope your ass, then?"

Rob: "Oww, my head hurts."

Rob: "Did he put me in this position on purpose? Fucker."

Rob: "Damnit, Mikey stop groping my ass!"

Mikey: "Nope, I like your ass."

Rob: "Everyone does! That's not the point!"

Rob: "This is a familiar position..."
Mikey: "If you mention Sabu, I'll kick you in the crotch."

Rob: "Owww. This is so much better in bed."

Rob: "I know you're staring at my ass!"
Mikey: "Hehe."

Rob: "This is getting old."

Jerry: "What the fuck are they doing?"
Random guy: "I have no idea."
Jerry: "Sabu's going to have a fit."

Mikey: "Bombs away!"

Sila: "So, for no reason whatsoever - except the fact that he's more awesome than they are - everyone gangs up on Rob."

Sila: "It's really unfair. He can't help being amazing."

Sila: "Suddenly the lights dim. Hehehe."

Sila: "And a very injured Sabu hurries stumbles out to save his pretty boyfriend. Sortof."

Sabu: "Stop messing up his face, damnit! I like it pretty like that."

Sabu: "You okay?"
Rob: "Owww, yeah."

Sabu: "You sure?"
Rob: "Yeah."
Sabu: "Good. In that case..."

Rob: "Huh? What's with the table?"

Sabu: "Well, I have to punish you for the attempted sex in the ring with Mikey."
Rob: "Ohoh."

Sila: "Very romantic."

Rob: *sigh*
Sila: "You had that coming, really."

Rob: "I hate my life. And stop groping me, damnit!"

Sila: "You know, things like that got you in trouble in the first place."

Rob: "I told you, my crotch is off-limit! DAMNIT!"

Rob: "Fuck!"
Sila: "Awww, poor pretty."

Sila: "Ohoh, Rob has a boo-boo."

Sila: "New match, new chances."

Rob: "I'm so pretty, I'm so fine..."

Fonzie: "Shut up, you'll piss Too Cold Scorpio off."

Rob: "How's that?"

Fonzie: "He's black, he only likes hip-hop and rap."

Rob: "Isn't that stereotyping and bad? I don't think he'd appreciate that."

Fonzie: "I know, but we're heels."
Rob: "Oh, okay."

Fonzie: "Besides, he is kinda strange."

Rob: "True."

Rob: "Aren't I awesome, people?"

Rob: "Fonzie? I'm awesome, right?"
Fonzie: *sighs* "Yes, Rob."

Rob: "Goodlooking, too."
Sila: "Fairy Nuff."

Rob: "I'm not a fairy!"
Sila: "Eeeeh, questionable."

Rob: "What are you doing??!"

Rob: "Stop humping me! Argh!"
2CS: "Hahahaha."

Sila: "Hello, Rob's ass. How are you feeling today?"
Ass: "Quite perky, thanks!"

Rob: "Look, mom, no hands!"
Sila: "I see one hand touching the canvas."
Rob: "Awww..."

Rob: "My ass is nicer than yours."
2CS: .....

Rob: "My crotch too."

2CS: "What?"

Rob: "Never mind."

Sila: "God, I love moves like that."

Sila: *shallow* *happy sigh*

Rob: "Ehehehe."
Sila: "Yes, we like your ass. Get over it."

Rob: "Here, have a good look." *porns*

Sila: "Dejavu."

2CS: "Come here, bitch!"
Rob: "Stop pulling my hair!"

Sila: *sigh*

Sila: *snickers* "Tired, Rob?"
Rob: "Shut up."

Sila: "Can I just point out the guy in nun-drag? Yes/no?"

Rob: "First my hair, now this. Stop it!"

2CS: "Hold him still! I want a good grope!"

Sila: "Of course, Sabu does not approve."

Sabu: "Now stop touching him!"

Sabu: "Only I get to drag him around!"

Sabu: "There job done."

Sabu: "What?? No 3-count?? Goddamnit!"

Sabu: "Ohoh." *runs away*

Sila: "He still won, though. God, his ego'll be terrible now."
Rob: "Yep."

Rob: "God, I'm awesome."

Rob: "Aren't I, though?"

2CS: "Yes, okay, you won the match."

2CS: "I'll admit to that."

2CS: "But you're really just a bitch who takes it up the ass."
Rob: "Hey! Who told you that!"

Rob: "Still awesome. See?"

Rob: "Owww! You cheated!"

Sila: "Not surprisingly, Sabu and his overly shiny pants come to the rescue."

Rob: "Hah, sucks to be you!"

2CS: "I won't touch him ever again! I promise!"

Rob: "Well done, lover."
Sabu: "Shut up and catch that table."
Rob: "Yes, sir."

Rob: "Oi! Sabu??! Sabu!? Don't leave me hanging here!"

Sila: "Sorry, Rob, Sabu's kinda busy. And that is going to hurt."



15 minutes! Just 15 minutes left before the start of season 2! EEEEEEEEH!!! :D

EDIT: Saw, loved, died of joy. GAH. Ianto, made of win. I'm not going to spoil anything, but I loved it. OH YES. More, more, more!

fandom, rl, otp, picspam, meme

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