(no subject)

Jan 15, 2008 15:21

There seems to be enough interest for me to go through with this, so I've worked on the idea a bit.

I've had the time this morning to compile what I'd put in the community's profile. (Rules and regulations and whatnot.) It's partly inspired by writerinadrawer's rules but edited to fit the wrestling fandom. Some things have yet to be decided - which is why I'll be adding polls to this post as well - but I've written down the big picture.

Please let me know what you think, what I should added, and ask questions should you have them. I'd appreciate it if you could vote in the polls as well!

Thanks, guys! ^^

What is all this about?

This wrestling writing challenge - as inspired by writerinadrawer and others like it - is based on a Survivor-like concept. We start out with a group of writers and every round one of those writers gets voted off until there is only one writer left.

Every round the writers have to submit a story. Limited to a 1000 words - except the final round, in which the finalists get free reign - they are short stories centered around a certain theme and/or prompt word. Most of the time the writers will be given both a theme and a prompt-word, but that could change in every round.

Those themes and prompt-words could be anything. For instance if the theme were to be ‘decisions’ and the prompt word ‘candy’, then the story should reflect the theme and mention the prompt word. Thus the readers should clearly see that it’s about decisions, and somewhere in the story they should find the prompt word candy. (Either literally, candy, or something like ‘sweets’ or ‘licorice’.)

The prompts will be very general. You will not be given any prompts based on a pairing, or something that only reflects on certain individuals. (For instance, you will not be given the prompts ‘Smackdown’ or ‘DX’, because that only concerns certain individuals.) This challenge is for all ratings, and may contain gen, het or slash pairings.

A deadline will be given and all writers have to submit their stories in time, otherwise they will be defaulted. (Whether or not every writer is given one opportunity to default is something I’m still thinking about.)

All stories must be sent in to me, and I will post them anonymously. People will be given the chance to vote, readers and writers alike. Everyone will vote for the story they liked best and the story they liked least. Your votes only count if you voted for both, you cannot just vote for the one you liked best.

I will tally those votes on a specific day. (Dates are still to be decided and could be subject to change.) The writer with the most negative votes is ‘eliminated’ from the Rumble and will be shown to the back. The writer with the most positive votes is granted immunity for the next round, or given a chance to default. (This has yet to be decided.) Of course writers that have been eliminated are free to continue voting in the following round.

We continue until there are only two writers left and we ‘wrestle’ one last round to crown the winner.


Writer’s Rules: (Based on the rules used by writerinadrawer)

1. Writers will be given a word limit. Usually this is a 1000 words. Writers cannot exceed that limit in any way. There is a reason it is only a 1000. Voters have to be able to read all stories rather quickly, and writers have to be able to write their stories in a short time as well. Title headers, disclaimers and the like do not count towards this word count.

2. Stories must clearly reflect the theme and/or prompt-word(s) given. It is a very important criteria for voting. Originality and inventiveness is encouraged, but if the voters can’t clearly see how you used the required theme/word(s), then they might - should - vote negatively.

3. Stories must be sent in in time. I do not plan to make exceptions, unless you have a very (very, very!) good reason for being late. Sending in stories after the deadline slows everything down and is unfair to the writers who did send in their fic on time.

4. Stories will be sent to my email address; silawen@gmail.com, left in a comment on our screened posting thread, or messaged to me. If you’re emailing me, please title your email so that I will know it is for the challenge. Something like ‘Writer’s Challenge’ or the name of the community would be great.

5. Stories must be preformatted. Make sure that, if you want italics and the like in your fic, that I can easily copy the html coding. I will not edit your format once it has been posted, so make sure beforehand - without anyone seeing which story is yours - that you’ve checked it thoroughly. I will only edit stories if it distracts from reading. (For instance, a missed bold tag caused the entire story to be in bold.)

6. All stories must continue the following header:
Pairing/s: (if any)

Warnings include: Descriptions of rape, extreme violence, child abuse or sexual acts that might be viewed as 'extreme'. (Credit to writerinadrawer.)

Obviously you do not add your author name in any way. The header does not count towards your word count, either.

7. It is okay to use a beta, as long as that beta does not vote in the challenge. However, it is probably best to self-beta, as we would like as many voters as we can find.

8. Leading into this, please encourage your friends to vote. Mention the challenge, mention that you’ve joined, but of course do not mention which story you write. This includes hinting as to which one is yours. (As in; ‘There is this awesome HHH/HBK fic, I'm sure you'd like, you should vote for it!’) Encourage to vote, don’t encourage to vote for something particular. A big part of this is for the writers to stay anonymous until the end of the round.

9. Do not post your stories anywhere - including off-LJ - before the round has ended! Please, it would ruin the entire challenge if someone already knows which story is yours.

10. Anything goes. Any rating, any pairing, any genre. However, we will stick to the wrestling fandom. This is a wrestling challenge, so please no crossovers. Wrestling has enough to play with.


Voting Rules:

1. Unless you have a very good reason not to, please read all stories before voting. If something really squicks you - like, there is incest mentioned and you have personal reasons for not going there - then that is of course an exception, but try to read all stories if you can.

2. Vote for the story that is a.) the best written and b.) most clearly utilizes the challenge prompt in a clever and engaging way. (Credit writerinadrawer.)

3. Do not vote for or against a story simply because of a certain pairing or character. This isn’t supposed to be a popularity contest. Vote because the story is good/bad, not because you like/dislike its main characters. Bad characterization is a reason to vote against a fic, not because you dislike the character.

For example:
Good Vote: “I give a negative vote for this story, because Rob Van Dam being very anti-marihuana is unrealistic characterization. He would never behave like that because we know that he is pro-marihuana.”
Bad Vote: “I give this story a negative vote because I dislike RVD. I hate that he’s pro-marihuana and he’s an egotistical twat.”

4. All writers - in or out of the Rumble - can vote. However, they cannot vote for their own stories. (As best or worst.)

5. All readers can vote. You do not have to be a member of the community to vote, either.

6. Voting starts and ends at a time given at the beginning of the round. You will be given two days to vote.


Feedback Rules:

1. Voters are encouraged to be thorough and honest while voting. All this will be done anonymously, so do not be afraid that the writer will know who said what about him/her.

2. At the same time, however, voters are encouraged not to go overboard. There is a difference between being honest and being nasty. Should I feel that you crossed the line, then I will confront you about it. You know when too much is too much.

3. Writers can choose whether or not they want me to send their feedback to them. They can also choose to accept only positive or negative feedback. Simply let me know in the result post for that round. Once the results are in and the stories are free to be posted at other places, you are also free to ask me for your feedback.


In the end the goal of this challenge is to have fun and inspire some great fic. Hopefully we will be able to help each other grow as writers and write something we never thought we would. Good luck, everyone!


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