So today was my concert, and the only person that came (besides familia) was Julia. You all missed my awesomely spectacular solo (which was accentuated by the fact that I had no air control, and we had no energy). But yes, you all should have been there still, because the orchestra was really awesome and they played this really cool piece that actually wasn't 15 minutes long!
Anywho, I've decided to moove on from that whole "like someone" thing. Yes. Because they bother me, and it just stinks because we're not uber good friends, and I feel like I'm trying to force even a friendship that just isn't going to happen, because it's not mutually wanted.
I have a lot of stuff that I need to give to people. Actually, just 2 things that I need to give to Claire. But still, I keep forgetting to bring them to school! Dangit.
And my friends are just awesome. Especially Susan, because she said so.
Just to let all y'all know, I'm tired and cranky (and in a bad mood... just look
up and you'll know why). So that's just a warning. I'll thank you in advance for understanding!