end of summer

Aug 23, 2005 01:49

i thought i was staying in tonight. and i was excited about spending some time with my dad. but then friends called and then i thought i was going out with them. but then they didn't call and i thought they would and it hurt my feelings. it would have been nicer if they hadn't called at all. because then i wouldn't have just had fun with my dad instead of feeling like i was missing out on something. bottomline it just hurt my feelings..like they didn't want to hang out with me or maybe they thought i didn't want to hang out with them. i'll ask tommorrow i guess.
no. i just need to think about this differently. i really just wantted to lay low. i had a really good day today. my dad called in sick. i brought back starbucks for breakfast. then i read the newspaper and he worked on the crossword puzzle. in the afternoon there wasn't anything playing at the theaters so we rented movies (sin city and eternal sunshine)and turned up the speakers really loud on the good tv (my mom isn't here otherwise none of this would be permitted).

this weekend i hung out with kelsey on friday night. we ate mexican and then went to kelsey's house and then stacey's and drank tea. it was fun and low-key and we got to talk. which is nice considering i only see her for 1 out of 4 days in a year. on saturday i made vegan pot pie and the lights went out, so i had to bake it a kelsey's (btw vegan pot pie isn't the yummiest thing to eat). then i guess sarah and annie and chris came back. or maybe they came seperately. anyway we watched laguna beach (all the cool people do). and that made sarah and kelsey pumped to get dressed and go somewhere. and i just wished i had brought some go-out clothes. oh well, it worked out okay. we went to oasis and b and e's and a party, and there was probably some beer drinking. and i came home at 4 or 5 in the morning. the next day i didn't feel so good ( and honestly my stomach is still a little out of it) but it's weird cause i really didn't drink that much...it might also be all the junk i've been eating. on sunday i went to brunch at boulevard wood grill and then went to the holocaust museum. then we went to central library and lost dog for dinner. totally a dc/arlington day. anyway i'm heading down to school sometime tomorrow. i'll probaly go to vespers. wednesday i have work from 6 am to 1pm then i don't know what. maybe i'll paint the basement so it's finished for school. i might buy a work-table, too. then thursday, classes start. i'm really excited.
this is my schedule:
M: Lighting and Color 10-11:15 AM
Junior Interior Design Studio 1:30-4:45 PM
T: Textiles 9-11:45 AM
Graphics 6:30-9:30 PM
W: Lighting and Color 10-11:15 AM
Junior Interior Design Studio 1:30-4:45 PM
Tr: Textiles 9-11:45 AM
Graphics 6:30-9:30 PM
Friday & Saturday = work at Stir Crazy
Sunday = Laura Beth day!

i'm planning fall day-trips and it's really fun. my weekends are filled already! i'm working on the student literary/art magazine this year. hopefully it'll be fun. i'm going to ask rachel about the newspaper, too. in case that's something i'd be interested in. it's all stuff to put on a resume. this semester i'm going to require more of myself in my school work. there is this internship over next summer that i really want to get and the number #1 factor in the decision is studio class grades. and mine aren't good enough. plus they aren't good enought to me anyway. c's are too low. my parents don't mind. it's all very bizarro. but that's the plan. if i don't get that intership i'll get another and maybe i can do some study abroad. so those are my plans. i feel much better now.

it's the most wonderful time of the year...
its' the happiest season of all...
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