and the living is easy

Aug 06, 2005 10:51

St. Paul was really fun, and surprisingly cosmopolitan. When I graduate, If I were offered at job there I would think very serioulsy about accepting it. I wish I had more time to spend in Minneapolis, but we had to go home. I want to go back and go to the art museum. I went to lots of old buildings and really got to see that "total work of art" that Lucinda kept talking about in history of interiors. I hada cold in St.Paul but it was okay because they have lots of good homemade soup there. And the people are, of course, very friendly.

This week I just worked and tried not to be too bored. I made really good tips on Friday, so I'll have some spending money in Chicago. I saw Must Love Dogs-it was cute and I want a dog now. Not because of the movie; I've wanted one for awhile. I go back and forth on getting a dog because if I had a dog I'd have to stay put for awhile. I think I'd rather go on trips and not be too tied down. Maybe after college I'll get a doggie. Hopefully then I'll be more sure where I want to live.

The more places I visit the more I think, "I could be happy anywhere." I think what really makes a difference is if the people I know want to be there, too. That's one thing that is great about DC, everybody thinks they are lucky to live here. Most people don't feel that way about Richmond. It makes me sad because Richmond is really cute. And really affordable.

I led my first vespers service. I think it went well. I hope everybody liked the quotes I chose and the music. But if they didn't I guess that's okay. They didn't throw stuff at me or tell me "Never come back!" So all and all it was a success. I'm just haning out in Arlington this weekend. Hopefully I'll get to see Kelsey. My parents are out of town until Monday so I'm noticing how big their house is.It's funny that in High School if your parents went out of town you had a party. But I'm in college..I live without my parents most days of the year. still feels like I'll get grounded or something. :)

Oh I'm going to Chicago on Tueday or Wednesday I'm not sure which. I'll be back on the 14th. Wow the summer is almost over! I have to get to the beach! quick!

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