Nail Art: Snape/Harry & Fic Rec: If You Are Prepared by Cybele

Aug 02, 2006 00:10

Here is a new nail art, a Snarry, in honor of cybele_san's unparalelled fic, If You Are Prepared, which can be found here.

新しいネイルアートを作りました。こちらにある、比類なきスネハリ・スラッシュの名作『If You Are Prepared』(cybele_san様作)に敬意を表し捧げます。

IYAP is the sole reason why I am here keeping a Harry Potter centered journal and translating fan fics. It was at the very moment when I encountered this story and found myself sobbing my heart out [reversed for IYAP spoilers] reading a fan fic, that my concept of values made a complete turn-around within me, and the next thing I noticed was myself launching a journal and translating fics. (Some details in-between abbreviated.) I adore this story so much that merely typing the title makes my stomach clench.


There are countless reasons why I am drawn to this fic, some of which I would like to name below.

Firstly, I was greatly moved by the genuine love, which underlies throughout the whole story, though it contradicts Snape and Harry's mutual stubbornness or words that are exchanged regardless of their true feelings.

Secondly, I was overwhelmed by the exhaustive psychological descriptions, which leave no room for the reader to guess what the character thought at that particular moment. As I had been more a theater-goer than a book-reader before I set foot in the world of fandom, I was bedazed by the writing style that places the reader in a straitjacket as regards the depiction and its interpretation.

Thirdly, I was fascinated by the in-characterness of Snape, who, in my opinion, would never say "I love you" to anyone at any times, or only on exceptional rare occasions. Of all the Snapes in the fandom, including so many out of character ones, the man portrayed in IYAP is one of the ideal Snapes for me. (It so dawned on me at once as I read the passage where Snape says, "I love you, too," that Harry is destined to die at the end of the roman; exactly as I sensed that the person who is going to die in Book Six must be Dumbledore when I read his remark, "I am not worried, Harry [...] I am with you.") [reversed for IYAP and HBP spoilers]

Moreover, I am very grateful to yukipon, who so skillfully translated the fic into Japanese, for Snarry not being my OTP, I would not have thought of starting to read such a long saga in a foreign language, had she not translated it into Japanese. I was amazed by her sophisticated Japanese when I first read it, at the time I had no idea there was such an act as to post fic translations; rereading it now that I have become a nubbin of a translator, her apt translation and her ability to command an impressive vocabulary of words still leave me speechless in admiration. Her expertise in capturing the philosophies of the original work without leaving the between-the-lines behind, and her skill to reconstruct it into beautiful Japanese, remind me of the famous translations by Bin Ueda or Ogai Mori. (Bin Ueda is famous for his Japanese translation of Über den Bergen by the German Poet Carl Busse, Ogai Mori for Improvisatoren by the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen.)

Thanks so much, Cybele and Yukipon, for the wonderful experience. I am, and always will be, proud that I love IYAP.







rec, slash, hp, nail_art

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