Jan 01, 2009 03:22

First post for the new year! I have resolved that starting this day I will write on this LJ fon a daily basis. Though probably most will contain rants and ravings about RL, NEWS and Yamapi awesomeness!

Actually for the past months or so there are many things that I wanna write on this LJ starting from:

1) the spazzing about COLOR when I got it. I have a tale on it and my super spazzing review on it that I will write probably by tomorrow.

2) Finished Code Blue finally and looking forward to the SP. I also marathoned most of the clips I have downloaded for the whole year that I wasn't about to watch due to busy work. Also... I fail to download Innocent love and Ryusei no Kizuna and watch out for it. Wow looking at ourhour Ryusei no Kizuna had a pretty decent ratings.

3) I find Shige most eyecatchng these days. After his horrid hairstyle... now I can't take my eyes off him. Even on the JE countdown I was wishng keyhole was not lagging when I had a glimpse of him singing Real Face >.< Blame Papa no Musume No nanokan. Why did Shige need to be adorkably hot there. Now I want Hokaben.

4) I love love winter con fan reports. Starting from the Sendai to Tokyo Dome. But I am most happy with the appearance of Toma and MatsuJun in Tokyo Dome. The second happy thing was the apperance of Takki for the first venue and directing the video that they used for the concert. Also, all the concert official and unoffcial photos are ♥.

5) Connected to dome concert, they included the songs I love to here. I am quite attached to Hadashi no Cinderella Boy, I love to see for my self Murarisuto and MOLA. Then what made me more happy was the new song SHARE that everyone has his contribution. It indicate most of member ai! FTW... I have been commenting on fanreports having this two words together for the whole day! Oh just love it. And hell, I cried when I heard the new song. Partly due to frustration in uncovering the password for the file posted here.I was texting tegoyan_desu the whole time and tears was forming on my eyes and I can't help to GO ON USING CAPSLOCK because that was the cause of my distress!

6) I was able to watch the JE countdown! I was really lookng forward to it since yesterday and it was awesome. Afterwards I need to take a bg breathe cause I was holding by breathe in wonder! I just love everything JE. promise myself to get to know most of the popular JE songs other than that of NEWS. Good things first, a) I so love the NEWS stage. Seeing NEWS coming out of that diamond set I was a proud fan! I was thinking mostly... that it was NEWS stage they were using for the event! b) Johnny boys at different places! Wow the countdown is transends beyond one place! 3) Uchi was there and I was happy to see him! 4) Yamapi in Hakama and the ever coming back lether jacket when Pi has to perform Daite Senorita! I bow to his awesomeness! One bad thing, no Toma to continue the rabu rabu between him and Yamapi. I was to be contented with PIN and TegoPi moments.

I have one realization after watching the countdown. For 11 years now they have been doing this. I love the JE family during this time cause everyone got to sing the songs of all JE bands. They are EVERYWHERE interacting! Maybe there were parts that they sing with their groups but most parts of it they were having fun making the stage their play ground and most of all everyone sang along. It was really nice. I'm glad I got to know JE. And I dont think I will stop loving them on 2009..

news year, je countdown, news

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