Ok... I maybe a little late for this but I can not go on without...

Nov 11, 2008 15:23

GREETING THE ERO PRINCE A BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Through out the day I have been thinking of a way to celebrate this birthday but I am stuck in the office running here and there.So maybe I'll just do so random post about this guy and why do we I/we him! Well maybe I can sweet talk
tegoyan_desuto have some sort of party for him on sunday. LOL.

My list as to why I love Tegoshi:

5) Very... very pretty. No I won't use handsome to describe this guy (for others out there girl) and it would be underestimating Tesshi's appeal if you use the term cute/kawaii. The first time I saw tegoshi was on Hoshi wo Mezashite. I kind of double take/look if itwas a pre boyband of if there is one female member. I was ogling at Yamapi that time but I can't help but notice Tesshi's prettiness as I play and replay the video. Also I am weak when it comes to pretty/feminine looking guys. I always believe that one don't need to be macho to be tough.

4) Uncontrollable hyperness that somehow being translated into self-centeredness. I believe that Tesshi is not self-centered at all times but he is just being playful. Aslo being the youngest NEWS member makes him more hyper. Actually this guy can behave... that is when Yamapi is giving him suggest-- er... stern look. Lol.

3) Smart. What else can you say when he is a student of Waseda Daigaku? He is definitely not your ordinary JE guy that dances and sings. Man... he has brains. I also read/heard that he got good grades in english. Tesshi come here and show us your talent.

2)  Persistent and eager not to lose.  I kind of laughed when I have read that he doesn't wanna lose even to a simple game. But het hs drive to be the best is really endearing, By hey Tesshi can you just give up on looking all ero and slutty at times. We would still be around without it.

1) VOICE. I love Tegoshi's voice the first time I heard it. I actually recognize his voice above others because its  real beautiful. His voice can be use to cradle me to sleep. Without him in NEWS would feel different. I'm glad that even if some found controversies as to his early debut, I am still thankful that he is born and became part of what I consider the best band... NEWS!

tegoshi, birthday post

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