I dunno when will I post again but...damn it.

Jul 23, 2012 23:43

So its been awhile since I wrote something tangible here. Hmmm... well I am a lazy person to be honest.... but things pile up before me and yeah I get busy. Fudge... fandom has become RL for the past couple of months since I become an active promoter of  jpop in the Philippines. Its kind of stressing at one end that your weekends are pack with meetings and fandom stuff but still there is a part that its serious business not like how it was before.

Also in this past year, I juggle so many fandoms and fwaaah... I end up with empty pockets. ;______; tho actually the end is more important and I am happy. :DDDDD

So yeah... as I said too many fandoms. So what have I been doing for the past year?! Drugged by kanjani8 with their wackiness and member dynamics, amazed and make my day epic with kisumai, blinded by my ultimate boy yamapi and again touched by how NEWS stand up amid trials. Seriously I love this 3 units and a solo the best in all johnny's!

Then I go to loving my precious ukes. ok saito takumi and hamao kyosuke are like the best there yet and I melt seeing them! XD Also they are the bait to the yaoi world. ahohohohoho. OMG my feels for yaoi!

Also I am educating myself with Amuse ent (tho may ultimate favorite amuse guys would be takeharu), The d-boys, d-date, d2 or watanabe and a bit of akb. Not to forget I need to get updated with larc. and yes this is my world.


its a drug I just get more addicted and a warphole that pulls me to my goal of going to Japan, watching my boy's concerts and then go get a boyfriend. lolz. ok the laast part is non-sense and last of my priority.. :D

rants of a fangirl, random

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