Nov 08, 2015 09:30

Since I plan to revamp my journal... this post will be basically the top of my journal!  Ahaha! Though still I think this journal would still be 98% public! :D

Woot almost done! Wait for the completion of my LJ by next week! :D

*25% under construction!*

Apparently don't have much time editing things. ROFL. so I think this journal will remain picture less and epicless due to my busy yet boring life. Ahehe.

And oh leave a comment here if you plan to add me unless 1) I was the one who initiated the add on friending meme; 2) just RL friends add I meet during fanmeetings.  :D

I miss NEWS so much that when I saw again the Hoshi wo Mezashite acapella clip made me cry. I love this part most of all they look all happy! Huggles to katrinasacay for giving in to my request! I owe you more things than one!

first entry

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