stress at the exposure of the fandom

Apr 10, 2009 02:14

Again I am here to post nonsense rants I am good at. ^_________^v

Ever since I read this issue at je_secrets about fangirls in the Philippines being selfish about not wanting to air doramas, I ask myself why I strongly hated the idea of them airing it? So many things.... ABS, GMA cut scenes. I hate it. The dubbing well not that it sucked I learn to respect the voice dubbers in their effort but I think we need a better translated script and good character portrayal and interpretation so that will not misled those who watched the dramas. I am personally worried that Akira might be interpreted as gay in Nobuta. Fangirls that would emerge for the hype of it. No offense I love meeting new fangirls but I want the new ones to love the fandom as much as I do.  Some tend not to read rules in comms that might lead to JE subbing group closing.

I am selfish because of this. Well maybe I am. I wanna protect what I loved for the past 2 years. I can't take it when I heard bashing from people around me and how they question my sanity when I love things, language and people THEY don't understand. I usually kept these thoughts to myself or in other instances to close friends and people with the same views as mine out of respect in the views of other people and I don't want the other international fans to get all confused as to why we don't want it. It embarasses me as if we don't support the boys and fandom.

But now I am tired seeing spammage of rants from Philippine fangirls about this "I am disappointed bout airing a  dorama of *inserts random JE boy name* here" stuff in international comms. I don't think it is necessary! They don't need to know our woes with the doramas cause they won't understand why we hated it. They will only see us a selfish fangirls.

But now to give way to Pi's birthday wish of becoming a superstar internationally, I am opening myself up to the idea of airing doramas, that I know is inevitable, and hope for the best. If you can bring NEWS to the Philippines why not right?! I can see them without worrying about my airfare. Hahaha. New light friends... But still I am 50-50 on this. f-list don't bash me for my random say on this >.<. I love the boys I want them to be famous but I want them to still have dignity especially in a country where English and Hollywood are the ELITE. 

rants, fandom

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