Apr 09, 2009 23:24

I am again back for this special day! Its Yamashita Tomoshisa's birthday! But I wanna do this on the last hour Japan time. As usual I will do the top ten things I love about the birthday boy! But since he is may ichiban I know I have more than 10 things to love about him.

Becoming a year older means you add on more memories
That's why I'll tell you some happy words, see!
Having met you amid the millions and billions of people is a miracle
The happiness of having you so near me, I'll sing it for you
 10. Pretty face and the body. *nosebleeds* Well the most common thing about us would be we love Yamapi's face and moobs. It so adorable that I tend to collect all his photos from his jr years to now with NEWS. Though we get to see different hairstyles even if it sucked big time his beautiful features that we love the most remains.

9. His smile... egao... ngiti... three different languages with one meaning. I know I flail when he flashes his rare smile. I know he always has a cool aura around him but we only get to see this smile once in a while. Allow me to compare but I think this smile was once prominent when he was with 4TOPS. *ahem* TOMAPI! *ahem* The start of NEWS it was rare but at this point in time I think he has already opening up and getting comfortalbe with NEWS members. We now get this photoshoots with this smile and I can't wait to have more of this in the future.

8 Hardworking and goal oriented... I always look up to Yamapi's enthusiasm to work really hard. He insipires me to do my best at my job though it can be tiring. Also I like his character of pushing hiself and testing his limit. He may not be the greatest actor in the world right now but I believe that of he wanted to brake into hollywood he can do it. Now I am inspired to follow what I wanna do on the right time. ^__^v

7. Crack. We know that Yamapi is cool. But once in a while we get to see his crack side. His nikki is has some of it, he love to tag and along and let the other members bully Shige. Well love all those little crazy things he do on the concerts DVDs, his infamous Yamapi caps on their PVs. His butt slap at atrocious hair in Koi no ABO.

6. Loyalty to his friends and being filial to his family. I know that wherever Pi is, his friends would always be remembered. I love it when Pi talks about his close friends and how happy he is when hi suddenly get to see them despite being busy. Pi love his mom and sister very much. Though he might not be all up to being expressive hintas can be found in his essays and nikki. Even his grandmother tend be the topic.

5. Down to earth. What really attracted me to him would be the fact that he never let his success go into his head. When ever he did a great job at his roles he never forgets to thank all the staffs and co-actors he worked. Maybe his likeability will only cease for me when he stop being this kind and respectful person he is now.

4. His treatment to his fans. I love Pi's interaction with his fans during concert. I particularly remember a fanreport, during the NEWS diamond winter party, of a mother whom watched with her daughter on a wheel chair. She has only praises for Yamapi for acknowledging the presence of her daughter. Also, it makes me proud to know that even it tight instances like for example the Korea triip inicident  we get to see a calm and  caring Yamapi. He also doesnt mind taking to fans and if it is only allow I think I would love to take pictures with his fans. He knows that without then fans supporting him tru and thru he can never get to be as popular as he is now.

3. Reflective. His nikki is and 0409 are his outlets of his reflections. When I get to read this two articles I tend to reflect how I live my life and the aspirations I have. It never ceases to amaze the random but definitely sincere words and advise from him. I AM LOVING IT!

2.Talks in riddles and food! This 2nd point I love about him the most is that Pi's words always have underlying meanings that you have to discover. LOL. This can be a weird liking since I love analyzing and over analyzing Pi. MAybe because I don't really like surprises everything that I always wanted hints and probably get a pretty good idea as to what will happen to him. He is not outrightly say things but his actions and a lot of right ups leads you to something! For exmaple his english learning. He expressed his intention to learn in all ways he can. Now he is writing english stuff. The next thing we know he is preparing for the world and his intention to break into hollywood. And *boooom* now we know why one side of his need to learn english. :D

1.Real in the sense that you know that what he wants and do it without pretenses. I love Yamashita Tomohisa the most because what you see is wat you get. I never got hook to anyone in my life like I did with Pi because when ever he does a thing or open his mouth only the truth comes out. That I firmly believes in. I wanna take for example his love life. Though it is forbidden in JE to openly have a relationship, we kind of have hints if he is in a relationship. I hate to admit it but I believe that he did went out with Abiru Yuu.  When he is in love he talks about marriage and family, having a child and raising them. He is passionate about love. And now being loveless we get shocked when he tells us he can't see himself having a family. Next would, we know his close buds Toma, Hase, Jin, mabudachi,  Shun and always blurts out stuff if they went out or something. We also get to have snippets of his daily life with his pictures: his dogs, sister and of course TOMA! er.. friends. 

yamapi, birthday post

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