Jan 07, 2005 00:47

OMG its blurdy fricking cold as Hell here! We were having 60+ weather just last week and now its -20 wind-chill with about a foot of snow. Man my back hurts from shoveling. Luckily I had nowhere to go so my car stayed safely inside the garage for the last week. However, if I’m not careful I’m going to end up with at least a speaking acquaintance with a cold. I’ve been pretty okay so far, ‘cept for going to bed at 6AM and getting up at around 4PM...

I’m working on it, people.

On with art news. I got a few new slyphs up and a whole bunch of ideas for others. Seems my recent slyphs are going over real well with people and I'm getting a lot of views. W00t! Even Dana, my best friend and hardest critic likes them and even wants a portrait of her with friends done in sylph style! So I got a lot of projects lined up for me.

Right now I’m working on a merman sylph. I don’t know why but I’ve been on a mermen kick for a few days now. I even went on Elfwood and checkout anything to do with mermaids and mermen, just to see what other people have done with them. Let me tell you there are some B-E-A-utiful pictures over there. Too bad I can’t use the search here, meh, I really need to just subscribe to this, but I don’t have an online payment system. Maybe they accept a mailed check? Anyway, I’m working on my merman slyph, and it’s a given he’s gonna be femmy.

After that I’ll be back in school and probably be bogged down to the bone, meh. I’m taking Biology and it has a lab from 2 - 4:30 on Friday. That ain’t gonna be pretteh… At least none of my classes are before 10AM. I can’t believe the luck I’m getting with my classes, none of them in all my three semesters have started before 10AM. I can bet next semester I’m going to end up with a class before 9AM. *shudder*

So… on my sylph art list. Finish the Merman, do a portrait of Dana, see if I can’t do a little something special for Nique, and try to fit in a fanart for Phantom of the Opera. After that, who knows?

I seem to be putting artwork out at a good pace but… now I’m moving on in my cycle. See, I go through this cycle of creativity; read, write, draw. At the moment I’m in the draw stage, but I’ve been tempted to read a lot lately, and not manga, novels. The Cat Who… series, The Pirate King, that kind of stuff. It won’t be long till I’m itching to write and ditching the drawings. But it’s the way I work. And I wouldn’t mind going back to a few stories I’d like to work on. ^_^

To think I started doing this sylph thing mainly for Hindu gods… now look what it has evolved into. I’m pretty tempted to do a Hindu comic with the sylph style, I already have a script done and a little experienced with layouts. At least I’m getting comfortable in a certain style, even if it IS an odd style. Also, Dana wants me to make some updates on Studio Mael. That shouldn’t be too hard; I got a lot of stuff I could post there.

I hope Dana’s okay with this weather. Having to stay overnight at work can’t be a fun thing. Maybe she taught all the other employees how to play cups!

BTW, I got visited by Stephie and Ricky lately. It was so much fun! We talked, caught up, played cups… or attempted to, talked some more, and played with a mischievous silver answering cube.

“Are you going to say ‘yes’ just because you’re an asshole?”

*roll cube*


Course, before then, Dana gave me my late Christmas present. Apparently they went to a “specialty shop” before coming by. I received a pacifier and a cherry lollipop in the shape of the male genital. The dared me to actually suck on the lollipop…

I bit it off.

I don’t think they’ll give me anything edible in that shape ever again. But the shock on their faces was more than worth it! ^_^ Tee hee hee!

Well, that’s about it. I hope and pray I’ll pass all my classes this semester, and still be able to sleep while doing it.
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