The best of times... the worst of times...

Dec 14, 2004 11:37

Well, Nique is gone now. Before she left we got together for one last night of fun. I was working from 5-11 and when I got home lo and behold there were 2 messages on the phone and I was promptly summoned to the Family Fun Center. I was freaked all the way down there. See, my car has had 2 slow leaks in its 2 right tires for a while now, and it was just that day when it was nearly on its rims that I noticed it. *sweatdrop* Go fig me.

Dana and Nique were dressed to the gothish and I looked like the very unfashionable person that I am. Anyway, most of the time was spent playing DDR, and we even made a new game of it. There's a code word you have to say and when it’s said you have to switch places on the DDR mat. A really cool, but dangerously trip-able game. After that we lounged a lot at IHOP. For some reason Nique was Dana's mouthpiece, during that time. I was very confuzzed. After that we went to Walmart, because its one of the few places you can still have fun at 3 AM.

During the Walmart excursion Nique and Dana convinced me to role-play a little tryst with either Morin or Rio. I agreed to Morin and after a while at Walmart I went home and waited for someone to get online. Dana got on and the role-play began. Twas to be Morin and me for that night, hoy. Was I slightly weirded out and nervous? Yeah. I went with the flow though and played along, it was actually a lil' fun... then my character was incapacitated and in cam Rio. Apparently there was going to be a 2 for 1 special, guy and girl! Dana agreed to my demand that if Rio was going to be in the picture my avatar would have to be a guy. We started it out... it was awkward... but also fun. By the time it was about to get down and dirty it was 6 AM and I was close to falling asleep. We put the role-play of the two avatars on pause and I went to sleep.

Now, my sleep schedule is outta wack, but I'm not complaining, I'm getting back on schedule slowly. *Sigh* but now times are not fun. Dana has Campus Finance yapping at her cause they don't know how to freaking count, her car has busted another leak, and Nique is gone.

*Hugs bear*

I really don't want things to get worse for her; heck knows I would give her the money to pay off both. Course she'd probably refuse. But that doesn't mean I can't give her an appropriate X-mas gift! I'm tempted to go down to the finance office and seeing if they can forget the money. Tis The Season for crap's sake, can't they believe her just once!? As long as I've know her I've never heard Dana tell a lie. That sounds farfetched, but its true, I can't remember any time that Dana could have lied.

*Sulks into bear's fur*

The best of times... the worst of times... Fuck you Mark Twain...
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