Aloha dudes

Aug 12, 2004 16:19

In case you haven't heard, I'm heading off to Hawaii tomorrow morning and I'll be away until Sept. 1st. Requests for postcards and souvenirs may now be submitted. =P There's absolutely no guarantee in the postcard getting back before I get back..

I talked to Craig Parker (aka Haldir) today! [kind of]

Nimfea wrote:
Hullo Craig, it's very nice to finally be able to meet you (though not exactly in person) ! I was wondering how you felt about Haldir's death in TTT. Did you feel that it was completely necessary to the plot of the film? Did you feel jipped that your character got killed off when he really wasn't supposed to be at Helm's Deep in the first place? Even though it wasn't in the book, I felt that it was a deeply moving scene. Even though it added emotion to what otherwise would've just been an action scene, I definitely would've preferred if you would have lived.

I'm also curious as to whether you've ever seen , or seen one of those shirts in person. It must be really funny for you.

Thanks for your time!

Craig wrote:
Lovely to meet you too. No, I loved the deathscene, it's every actor's dream.

SQUEE!! ^_^ I asked another question...he'll get to it eventually I'm sure, he's still going at it.
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