...chosen to abandon studying
on Monday yet again for food with Immy @Holland Village
...been given money from nice people
so I could buy another plate of prata
...tried to study in school on Tuesday with Tel
...been given a last letter by Rei which made me cry while I tearfully read it to Sara (in public)
...gone to Indochine that night for Sara's birthday
and bought her drinks there
...called Ritz over as he was on Orchard with Luke
and we did tequila shots and made conversation.
...swum @Sara's 'til 2
then spent 'til 4 talking to Ritz under the bridge opposite Immy's
...seen Immy that night
when she ventured out with Chris around 4am for food @Holland Village.
...been dropped off @my house by Ritz who was nice enough to take me all the way there
...gone to school again on Wednesday
chatted with Nick and then went to biology revision with Sara.
...danced around on the very visible lawn
between the math and English blocks that had deep sporadic puddles at the risk of breaking my iPod
by drenching it in the rain but I can't tell you how free I felt
Fuck any stares elicited by being so carefree and mud-covered.
...met Ritz again last night/this morning around 130am
he came out here (which was good, I had/have no money)
...walked to the park with him, chilled+talked in my bed, had breakfast @RK House
...fallen asleep past 6am
only to wake around 9
Empty bed, bright day; this is the conflict I feel.
Please, someone make him contact me tonight.
I don't want to be a let down, I don't want to be let down.