Dec 08, 2004 09:47
So I was talking to my friend Rick on MSN and I told him that to receive forgiveness, he was going to have to get on his elbows and bow down before the one that he serves. *NIN..Sigh*...anyways...Then I got to thinking...WHERE THE FUCK does the word 'ELBOW' come from?
* you know how the Riddler on Batman always says, "Riddle me this!"
well with the invention of the internet..I wonder if he would say, "Google me this!"*
So GOOGLE ME THIS!!! 'Etymology of Elbow'
Elbow: (Old English) Logically enough, elbow means etymologically 'arm bend'. It comes from a prehistoric West and North Germanic alinobogan (which also produced German ellenbogen, Dutch elleboog, and Danish albue). This was a compound formed from alinã 'forearm' and bogan (source of English bow). However, there is a further twist. For alinã (source also of Old English ell - a measure of length equal to that of the forearm) itself goes back ultimately to an Indo-European base el-, ele- which itself meant 'bend' and produces not just words for forearm (such as Latin ulna), but also words for 'elbow' (such as Welch elin). So, at this deepest level of all, elbow means tautologically 'bend bend'.
Oh and for the record...I am SOO stealing Lyndsay's 'RamaChristmaHannahKwanzYule'!!