May 16, 2013 01:00
Ну, Панствова Комисья не стала ждать уплыва 6 недель и прислала результаты экзамена!
Товарищи, я крут! Я просто Тенекрут!
Так вот:
понимание со слуха -- 37 баллов из 40
грамматика -- 39
понимание текстов -- 40 (ого!)
письменное задание -- 39 (!!!!! и еще раз !!!!, моя баечка для детей оказалась весьма успешна!!!!)
устная беседа -- 36 (это для меня всегда самая тяжелая часть, говорю я всегда хрень)
Т.е. это 191 балл из 200 и общая оценка, похоже, "отлично" (по крайней мере гугл утверждает, что celujący означает именно это).
Только вот нога после дачи все никак не прочухается и я по сию пору шлепаю как инвалид Петрович, приволакивая ногу. Как так можно было умудриться? Всего-то посидела на корточках да на мелкой табуреточке.
Well, now all that and more in English))
A few weeks back (namely a month ago) I took an exam in Polish (laugh it up: no English certification exam in all my nigh on 23 years of studying English and simply making use of it). And today the results have finally arrived! (Oh, well, finally isn't exactly a proper word: the results were promised in 6 weeks and only 4 actually passed, and the letter dates back to April, 26).
And you what the results are? I'm amazed, to be honest.
Listening -- 37 out of 40 (I only expected about minus 1.5 points, too bad for me)
Grammar -- 39 out of 40 (guess, that's called "Use of English" in English certification system)
Reading -- 40 out of 40 (yessss!!!!)
Writing -- 39 out of 40 (that's my second least favourite task, especially in Polish)
Speaking -- 36 out of 40 (the most hated task for me, I can't even say what exactly I expected to get, but I seem to have done well enough for my lower intermediate level)
As for writing, I guess I've chosen well: I composed a little fairy tale (yep, the word count lilmit be damned: it was too short to make it a proper story, even though I usually run out of things to say before I run out of "words left") and it seems to have been a success! The task was to compose a story to contain words "And then there was a knock on the door". That is much more interesting than describing Teddy Bears or vacations or some such.
Anyway, I'm happy))))))
Even though the last two long weekends (the 1st of May = the Labour Day and then the V-day on the 9th of May) have left me lame of sorts. Last Sunday I spent so much time in the orchard in some unlikely positions pulling dandelions and other weeds that one of my foot/leg muscles kind of went to sleep. It's been that way for the last three days. My foot won't go up, like I just can't pull my toes up to my nose. So I just shuffle around like an invalid)))))) Hope, it's gonna end soon, 'cause it's only funny for a couple of hours, lol