Pete Murray is teh awesome.
Ben and I were sitting a fair way from the stage listening to the previous act (lousy) and while everything was being set up. When The Stonemasons came on (minus Pete) everyone jumped up and ran forward, so we did the same. We ended up, oh, I'm crap at juding distances but we were pretty close to the front. Pete came on and you should have heard the cheer. God, it was fucking awesome. They started with "Tonic", which is one of my favourites. I can't remember the order of the set, but I think I've got all the tracks.
From Feeler:
Ten Ft Tall
Fall Your Way
Bail Me Out
From See The Sun:
Class A
Better Days
They also played two new ones; Heart of Gold (about 3rd or 4th), and the encore, the name of which I don't know. I think that's all.
Watermarks due to community linkage; I just don't want my images stolen.
I have more, but cbf resizing/uploading them.