"It sucks to be me!"

Jun 01, 2006 20:55

I've been having... a frustrating week. Let's review.

My car is no longer operating correctly. There's something messed up in the general front-right tire area. Some say bearings, some say CV boot, all say "For the love of god, don't drive it with something like that wrong!" As a result, I'm grounded until I get around to contacting the local place I've decided on (something I don't want to do) and getting it taken care of (which bothers the hell out of me since it could be annoyingly expensive).

My computer is no longer operating correctly. Frankenstein syndrome has gathered it tight in its electronic grasp and refuses to let go. I have since ordered a replacement, an improvement, at reasonable cost to myself, but it's on its way. It's not here yet, however, so I am displeased. You must understand, the lack of computer disrupts the very core of my pattern. Everything gets all turned around and annoyingly inconvenienced. I don't so much mind the change, it's the lack of ability to do what I want to do that bothers me. I feel so... limited. Constrained. Very annoying. Also annoyingly expensive.

Went to Dallas this weekend. Had alot of fun. Good times. Coming back, got in a wreck. Car flipped on hood. Everyone's fine. Very inconveniencing. Had to fly back (not really my choice, mind you). The car wreck thing, not so important to me personally. But the coming back... oh, the coming back. Annoyingly expensive. See the trend?

Things were going pretty well there. Back in class, had the job things figured out, had the car thing figured out... Then shit decides to break on me. And shit breaking is expensive and makes me a sad panda.

Everything will fall into place sooner or later. But for now, there just seem to be all kinds of things going wrong for all kinds of people in my life (whether I find said problems amusing or not is inconsequential), and it's starting to get me down. I'm feeling really negative at the moment, and it's... bothersome. But, yknow, it'll get better soon. It always does.
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