Nov 25, 2005 02:11
Listening to the soundtrack from the new Rent film. Have yet to see it. Expect to soon.
For those that don't know, I decided to try Thanksgiving here at the house this year. For one, I didn't want to impose on others this year. Yes, yes, plenty of people were generous with their offers, but it wasn't what I wanted this year. Most of all, I wanted the satisfaction of doing it myself.
I think this Thanksgiving was a success. It was simple, small, and a just different enough to make me smile. I'm not really a person fueled by tradition, and this Thanksgiving was anything but. Regardless, this Thanksgiving made me happy.
I've found, of late, that I haven't been able to make myself sit down and consider things. Havent been able to stop and think. So I sit here and I think about... life, love, those good old things. I've got a few ideas swimming around in my head at the moment. Can fish pace? Well, the ideas, they're doing a sort of pacey swim in my head. But they seem content to be there, even though they make my head swirly. Swirly is a great word. That subtle hint of onomatopeia.
I imagine life is a graceful dark-haired woman, dressed in a flowing dress of Mary's colors, a bright red rose in her hair as she dances to music we hear as though it were a dream. Not a fantasy, or a nightmare, just a dream. She miss-steps so often, and yet somehow she makes it so tremendously graceful. And as the dance goes on, it slowly grows more and more loose, relaxed in its own way, almost verging on sensual. And as she goes, she stumbles no less than ever, sometimes more than before, sometimes recovering slowly, sometimes in a way that changes the whole dance, but always she keeps dancing. In the dance we see the beauty of that which truly matters, which steps make a difference, and which seem out of place. But always she dances and always she stumbles only to rise again. Life has a lovely dance.