Go to and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks.
Have your friends guess the movie titles.
I'm thinking of ten favorites off the top of my head. This isn't the Final Forever Miss Jessica Top 10 of All Time or anything.
Also, I can't count, and I don't feel like sticking to a strong rule about three keywords. So there. (I really need a tag for "memes Jessica hijacks and re-defines to suit herself.")
1. Mexico / Hostage / Corpse / Pistol
The Mexican
anarmyofcamp 2. No Opening Credits / Drive Thru / Marijuana / Dysfunctional Marriage / Coming Of Age
American Beauty
court9 3. Irish Gangster / Killed With Cue Ball / Catholicism / Vigilante / Severed Finger / Homosexual Cop
Boondock Saints
anarmyofcamp 4. Good Versus Evil / Vigilante / Sword / Occult / Neo Noir / Cemetery
The Crow
anarmyofcamp 5. Groupie / Drug Use / Fame / Airplane / Tour Bus
Almost Famous
infloresence 6. French Lesson / Church Of England / Heimlich Maneuver / Stonehenge / Pope
Eddie Izzard: Dress to Kill
anarmyofcamp 7. Invasion / Psychiatry / Noir / Human Duplication
8. Jeri Curl Hairstyle / Dance Contest / Diner / Foot Massage / Syringe / Blood Splatter
Pulp Fiction
kathkelch 9. Loss Of Sister / Brutality / Degeneration / Fiend / Semen / Perversion / Power / Infamous / Sadistic / Ménage À Trois / Decadence
10. Hypnosis / Stapler / Fax Machine / Waitress
Office Space
anarmyofcamp (I think I made them pretty straightforward to guess. I always have more fun when these things aren't impossible. I'll edit and update when people guess the titles.)