Bittersweet [10/?]

Apr 17, 2009 16:29

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Uchi Hiroki, a young man who has to survive living in Tokyo city and has to support three of his younger siblings, has never thought that at his current working place he’ll meet a little boy -who will lead him to a person that will turn his world upside down-
A/N : Minna~ i'm going to take a short break after this post, it's only for a while.. i'll tell you the reason after this.. i'll make a proper post for it ^^ i'll miss you all minna~
WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4][Chapter 5] [Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8][Chapter 9]

Chapter Ten

“Really.. You’re okay taking the Sunday shift? I thought you might want to use the holiday to go somewhere..” said Uchi when they’re sitting behind the Food Cart. Waiting for serving any costumer who might want to buy the bentou set or maybe just some fresh-baked cakes.

“Daijobu! I don’t have plans anyway for today.. Kame-chan is still at Osaka, he’ll be back the day after tomorrow..” said Tegoshi while he grabbed one onigiri and eat it right away.

“Oishiiii! I’m buying this later…” smiled Tegoshi.

Uchi laughed. “I help the cook made that before… That’s why I was here earlier.. It gives me a little more pocket money from the cook..” said Uchi.

“Maji de? Please work at my household then!!!” said Tegoshi desperately. “Oh, but.. No.. No.. I take them back heheheeehehe.. You better not come near my house…”

“Eh? Why?” asked Uchi confused. He would like to see Tegoshi’s house one day. It must be big.

“Secret!” Tegoshi wink his eye.

--- ---

At break time, Tegoshi seems to having phone call with the friend that he mentioned a lot, that Kame-chan. So he’s talking with him at the locker room. Uchi was about to take of his gloves off and eat his bentou when he saw someone was sitting at the stairs down the road.

Well, that guy always sits there.

Ryo was surprised when he felt the cold can of soda was pressed against his shoulder suddenly. His mind was blank before just staring at the road. He looks up to see Uchi gave him that can of soda, smiling awkwardly.

“Hello..” said Uchi, a bit scared, but now Ryo looked harmless.

“Hi.. Oh, thanks..” Ryo took the soda from Uchi’s hand. “Where is he?”

“Umm.. Tegoshi got a phone call from his friend..” answered Uchi as he sat on the stairs too. Just beside Ryo. Slowly opening his home-made bentou and starts to eat.

“That Kame-chan bastard?” snapped Ryo right away.

It was a tough choice when Uchi decides whether he should greet Ryo or not before. Because he was scared of that man since the blood incident. And also Uchi got this scary image of him when he was looking for Tegoshi with an anger look on his face the other day.

But this guy, this Ryo guy always waits for Tegoshi passionately. Uchi thought he wasn’t such a bad guy after all. So, it wouldn’t hurt just to say hi. Uchi likes making friends anyway.

“Ne.. What is your name?” asked Uchi.


Uchi chuckles a bit. “I mean.. Your family name..”


“So I have a name to call you.. I mean, it wouldn’t be polite to call you Ryo, ne..”

“Kidonishi..” said Ryo shortly.

“Pardon me? Really?” Uchi blink. What a weird name.

“Nishikido..” said Ryo, smiled a bit.

Uchi was surprised that this man could show just a little smile. Even though it fades away soon after that. He’s back at being gloomy sitting right here like he was thinking of something.

“You looked troubled..” said Uchi suddenly. “Why so gloomy?”

“Oh..” said Ryo, he was shocked that Uchi can tell. “Yea.. Something is bothering my mind..
But you’re no different.. You have problems too, right..”

“Eh? What?”

“It’s all in your face.. You’re tired and exhausted.. Something is clearly bothering your
mind too..” said Ryo while he lit a cigarette.

“Well.. I think, everyday I never stop thinking about how to survive.. My brothers still have a long way to go.. Whenever I’m blank I just starts to think about those things.. I usually end up making a troubled face..” Uchi laughed. “Umm.. Also.. Maybe I’m still thinking how stupid I am.. I almost did something bad last night..”

“Well.. I did something bad last night..” added Ryo fast.

“Yours couldn’t be as bad as I am..” said Uchi thinking about the night at the club. Where he accepted someone’s invitation.

“Seriously.. Mine is the worst..” Ryo nodded, convincing Uchi.

Uchi shook his head. He’s still saying that his problem was way more terrible than what Ryo had. “I almost sleep with someone for money..” said Uchi.

“I slept with Tegoshi last night..” said Ryo.

Uchi blink.

Then it became silent for a moment.

Uchi even almost drop his chopstick.

“See? I have bigger problem, right?” asked Ryo with his bitter smile. “And now I’m more stupid because I tell this, which I should have kept to myself..”

“Well.. It’s not like I would tell anyone..” said Uchi slowly. “Say.. I always wonder what’s the relation between you two.. I mean, Tegoshi always said you’re his driver or something.. But I just think it’s not true..”

Ryo took a deep sigh before talking again. “Well just put it this way.. I’m not his driver or his servant or whatever he might call me.. I work for his brother.. Well, his brother was a man with a lot of enemy..” Ryo was being really careful that he didn’t give away the fact that Tegoshi’s brother was a Yakuza.

“Actually protecting Tegoshi was only a little part of my job, but it’s always seems to be the one taking most of my time..” said Ryo again.

Uchi nodded hearing Ryo’s story. He didn’t expect to know this much.

“Well.. He’s just.. He’s not easy to keep up with, but I tried my best to stay with him.. And I think it changed to another feeling like.. Being by his side no longer seem like a job to me, but because I wanted to..”

“Nishikido-kun..” said Uchi. He could understand how Ryo felt.

“I guess I fell in love with him..” he laughed pathetically. “But it’s just not going to happen, because he.. He’ just playing.. And I knew that…”

Then there was a long pause again. Uchi dared himself to say something.

“But I think.. You shouldn’t give up, Nishikido-kun.. Maybe he’s just playing now.. Maybe he just haven’t seen it clearly.. It could take a long time, but I’m sure.. he’ll understand..” said Uchi smiling. “Love is a great thing.. Treasure it..”

Ryo turn his head to Uchi.

It’s really isn’t often Ryo having a talk like this. Especially with someone you barely knew. But somehow it didn’t feel wrong. Maybe he talked about this with the right person.
Ryo laughed. “How can.. How can that brat have a friend like you?”

“I take that as a compliment..” giggles Uchi.

Ryo drank his soda while Uchi continued eating his bentou. They didn’t talk about serious stuff like before. This time they only chat about random things as time passed by slowly.
Uchi looked up to his watch, break time was almost over. Uchi tidied up his bentou and stand up from his seat. “I have to get back.. See you later, Nishikido-kun..”

Ryo nodded. “Thanks, Ucchan..”

Uchi laughed at the moment. Did Ryo just call him Ucchan?? That’s just a bit hilarious, wasn’t it? Uchi wonders why lately everyone is calling him by nicknames. First it was Pikachu, now it’s Ucchan.


Uchi heard a voice calling his other nickname.

Uchi turn his head and saw Yamapi was waving at him. Uchi quickly waved goodbye to Ryo and ran to Yamapi. Yamapi was wearing a cap, it’s giving less serious aura than when he’s wearing a working suit.

“Who are you talking to?” asked Yamapi, he narrowed his eyes to Ryo who was sitting next to Uchi before.

“It’s Nishikido-kun..” answered Uchi.

“Who is he?”

“He’s a friend of Tegoshi.. You’ve heard Tegoshi talked about Ryo before, right?” said Uchi.

“Oh yea.. Good then, I thought he’s someone else..” said Yamapi while walking entering the supermarket. He seems relieved somehow.

“Eh? What if he someone else?” asked Uchi who was still standing there.

“Nothing, could be some random guy flirting with you..” mumbles Yamapi.

Uchi was running trying to catch up with Yamapi. But Yamapi didn’t say anything again even though Uchi asked.

Yamapi just gave a simple laugh.

“Why???” asked Uchi again.

“Because I might get jealous…”

Uchi blushed.

--- ---

“Are you done?” asked Ryo, he stood up from the stairs when he saw Tegoshi approaching him from the entrance.

Tegoshi shook his head. “No.. I still have another 2 hour after this break.. What are you doing here?”

“I don’t have anything to do.. So, I’ll just wait for you…”
Tegoshi nodded carelessly. “Where’s Ucchan? I thought he’s here with you?” asked Tegoshi.

“No, he went back inside.. His friend came.. the one named Yamashita..” said Ryo.

“Eh? Yamapi is here?! Yay!! Jyaa ne..” said Tegoshi waved bye-bye to Ryo and quickly went inside again. He walks happily back to the supermarket.

Ryo narrowed his eyes. He forgot that Tegoshi had a crush on that guy. There’s this jealous feeling overloaded in his heart, but he’s used to this.

But just like Uchi said, he shouldn’t give up.

--- ---

i hope you like it minna!
im sorry that it would take a while before i post the continuation for this fic,
i hope you'll wait for it ne minna~
that's all for now,
see you again soon ne~

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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