Bittersweet [9/?]

Apr 10, 2009 07:35

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Uchi Hiroki, a young man who has to survive living in Tokyo city and has to support three of his younger siblings, has never thought that at his current working place he’ll meet a little boy -who will lead him to a person that will turn his world upside down-
A/N : there will be some progress too with uchipi minna~
WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4][Chapter 5] [Chapter 6][Chapter 7][Chapter 8]

Chapter NIne

Now it felt like he could let it all out. He grabbed Yamapi’s back and hugged him tight.

“Thank.. you for… helping me..” said Uchi again.

Yamapi didn’t say a thing, he just slowly caresses Uchi’s hair.

--- ---

“Pikachu?” asked a voice from behind Yamapi.

They pulled away from each other and turn their face to someone standing in front of the door.

“Chinen-kun?” said Uchi surprised. He quickly wipe his face, he doesn’t want Chinen to see his crying face. He tried to smile. “What are you doing?”

“Why are you awake at this hour, Chinen?” asked Yamapi.

“You shouldn’t come out wearing only pajama’s.. It’s cold dayo!” said Uchi. Chinen walked to them and Uchi catches him and carried him on his hand.

“Pikachu are you sad?” asked Chinen.

“What? Why you asked?” Uchi stared at him.

“Because you were crying…” said Chinen again.

Uchi forced himself to laugh. “I’m okay…”

Chinen put his head on Uchi’s neck and about to sleep there. But he still mumbles somehow.

“Did Papa made you cry?” asked Chinen’s sleepy voice.

Yamapi chuckles in protest when he heard Chinen said that.

“No.. Why?” asked Uchi again.

“Because you’re crying when Papa hugged you..”

“It’s because Pikachu was crying that Papa hugged him..” defend Yamapi.

Uchi turn his head to Yamapi when he heard Yamapi said that. It’s really uncomfortable hearing the ‘hug’ word being said over and over in their little conversation there, somehow it makes Uchi feel shy. But Chinen just seem completely clueless. “Nani?” he asked.

Yamapi laughed, while Uchi blushed.

“You’re still sleepy, Chinen.. You better get inside and sleep..” suggested Uchi. It’s just almost 2am that morning.

Chinen nodded. “But Pikachu come too…”

--- ---

So that was how the two of them gets trapped inside Chinen’s room. He said both of them should accompany him sleeping. He said it cutely that Pikachu should sleep beside him. So right now the position was Yamapi-Chinen-Uchi.

Because Uchi was afraid Chinen might cry if he’s gone, he’ll wait until Chinen was asleep then he could go home.

“Is he sleeping yet?” whispered Uchi in a tiny voice.

“I guess so..” answered Yamapi.

“Okay.. Then, I’ll be going now..” said Uchi. He slowly got up from the bed. Yamapi followed him get out of Chinen’s room. Hopefully they didn’t make any sound at all or else Chinen might wake up again.

Once they’re at the living room again, Uchi look at the clock and hurriedly said goodbye to Yamapi.

“I think I better be going now.. It’s already late..” said Uchi.

“Yea, it is late..” said Yamapi looking annoyed. He was standing at the doorstep with Uchi.

“But it’s okay.. I’m used to go home at this hour everytime I come back from working at the night club…”

“You mean, that night club?” asked Yamapi. Uchi felt his heart bounced after hearing that. Yamapi must be referring to Kato nightclub, the place where he works as a waiter, but also the place where Yamapi caught him earlier.

Uchi nodded unwillingly.

“Pikachu..” said Yamapi.

“Ye.. Yes?” answered Uchi. He’s still not used to Yamapi calling him by this name. Even though it’s alright if Chinen was the one calling him Pikachu.

“I’ll send you home first thing in the morning.. You should just sleepover here tonight..”

--- ---

So, Uchi found himself sitting at Yamapi’s wide fluffly bed. He’s going to sleep at Yamapi’s room. His heart beats a little too fast. He saw Yamapi took one of the pillows and threw it to the sofa across the room.

“What are you spacing out for? Go on, sleep..” said Yamapi as he jump on the sofa and make himself comfortable there. Oh, did Uchi mention that Yamapi was wearing only man’s white tanktop and pajamas bottom? Uchi has never seen Yamapi wore something other that his working suit.

“Yamashita-san.. Are you going to sleep there?”

“And you’re going to sleep there..” Yamapi pointed at the bed where Uchi sat on.

“But.. I can sleep on the sofa…” said Uchi feeling guilty.

“You can also sleep on the bed..” smiled Yamapi before closing his eyes.“Good night…”

“Good night..” replied Uchi slowly. Then he put his head slowly at the pillow.

Yamapi was already half-asleep when after 15 minutes since they say good night to each other, he heard moving sound from the bed. Uchi hasn’t slept yet. Is something bothering him? Cause it sounds like he’s turn himself to face left and right a few times.

Yamapi got up and sat on the sofa. He’s wondering what’s wrong with Uchi.

“Hey..Is something wrong?” said Yamapi slowly.

Uchi looked surprised to see Yamapi still awake. He hurriedly shook his head, giving sign that nothing is wrong. But Yamapi didn’t believe it.

“Is something wrong with the bed?”

Uchi shook his head again.

“But you can’t sleep?” asked Yamapi again.

Uchi nodded. Then he kept his head lowered. “I.. I’m just not used to.. sleep in such a big bed..” Uchi can feel his face turns pink by saying that. Maybe he was embarrassed but he’s really honest about that.


“At home, I only sleep with futon.. It’s just small and fits a whole body.. But this just too big..” said Uchi. Yamapi listens to him saying it all honest and shy.


“And also.. I sleep with my brothers.. So it’s always kind of full around me.. Now it just
seem so empty.. I’m sorry! I’m sorry.. what am I babbling about? Sorry to disturb you, Yamashita-san! You should go back to sleep.. I’m okay.. I’ll sleep too..” said Uchi hurriedly when he realized that it just slipped of his mouth about what he truly felt.

“Mmmm… I understand..” said Yamapi as he got up and took his pillow with him. He walked closer to the bed and crawled his way on to the other side of the bed.

“What are you..”

“I’ll sleep here.. It doesn’t seem so empty now, does it?” said Yamapi with calming tone. Yamapi moved his body until he gets closer to Uchi. “Like this? Does it feels like I’m one of your brothers now?” said Yamapi teasing him with puppy eyes.

Uchi chuckles. “You are not as cute as Ryutaro!! You’re as big as Kota!”

They laughed together. After that, Yamapi put a pillow between them to somehow separate them. And Uchi falls in a deep sleep soon after that. Because it feels like he’s not alone, it’s not empty anymore. It’s nothing different from home.

Maybe, there’s one different thing.

It’s Yamapi who’s sleeping next to him.

--- ----

“You were gone!” said Yamapi that morning. His voice still sounded so sleepy.

“Sorry, Yamashita-san.. I had to.. I have to make breakfast for my brothers.. I wanted to tell you but, you sleep so peaceful.. So, I didn’t want to disturb you…” said Uchi apologizing over the phone when Yamapi calls him.

“Where are you now?” asked Yamapi.

“I’m already inside the bus..”

“What? Why didn’t you wake me up? Didn’t I promise I’ll take you home firsts thing in the morning?”

“It’s really not.. It’s okay.. Thank you..” said Uchi again.

“Fine..” Yamapi sighed. “So, what are you up to today?”

“I’m working at supermarket at 3-6pm today..” answered UChi.

“Oh… Okay, I’ll stop by later..”

Uchi smiled. Even though the person he’s smiling to isn’t there infront of him. “Bye-bye…”

--- ---

“Nii-chan! Nii-chan!” called Ryutaro.

Uchi was having breakfast with his brothers, including Kota, but suddenly he spaced out staring at his rice. His mind came back was when suddenly Yuto patted his shoulder.

“Nii-chan.. What happened with you? You’re smiling alone..”



Eh? Really?

What’s wrong with me..

“You’re smiling like an idiot.. You’re in love, aren’t you?” said Kota while eating his sandwich. Yuto giggles while Ryutaro had no idea of the conversation.

“I’m not.. How could I be in love.. Don’t be silly..” Uchi tried to deny it.

“Why get all worked up about being in love, even this guy, your brother.. he’s got girl friend already..” said Kota taking glanced at Yuto who chockes hearing that.

“You swore not to tell anyone, Kota-nii!” protest Yuto.

Uchi smiled, this kind of thing makes Uchi’s world happier. Everytime they’re all together without missing even 1 person. He’s grateful that Kota was here. He talks to Kota about it already and somehow he hoped this time Kota can really learn something.

“Nii-chan.. Nii-chan.. Your cellphone is ringing…” said Ryutaro pointed at Uchi’s cellphone on the table. Uchi hurriedly answered it.

“Moshi-moshi..” he said.

“Hi.. It’s me..” said the man over the phone.



“Mmm.. Nani?” asked Uchi.

“Nothing.. Just calling..” said Yamapi laughing.

“Eh?” Uchi chuckles. “You are so weird..”

“Haahaha.. I’ll see you later, Pikachu..”

Uchi nodded. “Bye-bye..”

Then Uchi ended the call. He slowly put his cellphone to the table. And out of no where he suddenly hugged his knees and buried his face in it with a bunch of happy-shy squeaky sound he makes. He lift his head up when he realized that three pairs of eyes was locked at him.


“YOU’RE IN LOVE!!” said his three brothers at the same time.

--- ---

hope you'll like this chap too ^^
as always commet = LOVE <333

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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