Bittersweet [8/?]

Apr 04, 2009 03:53

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Uchi Hiroki, a young man who has to survive living in Tokyo city and has to support three of his younger siblings, has never thought that at his current working place he’ll meet a little boy -who will lead him to a person that will turn his world upside down-
A/N : the sweet devil tegoshi's time ^^
WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4][Chapter 5] [Chapter 6][Chapter 7]

Chapter Eight

Slowly Ryo’s arms were trapping his body and pulling him closer.

“I’m worried the whole time.. You’ve never done that before.. I just afraid that something might happen to you while I’m not around..” said Ryo.

--- ---

On the way back to the house, Ryo drives the car promptly on the road while Tegoshi stayed quiet sitting on his side. They haven’t said any words to each other since Ryo hugged him before.

After that hug happened, Tegoshi just stared at Ryo and said “I want to go home now..”
Once they arrived at the house, Tegoshi said nothing but stormed out of the car and went inside the house. Ryo followed him. He saw Tegoshi went upstairs to his room and left the door opened, that’s when Ryo decides that maybe he should have a talk with Tegoshi.

“Tegoshi..” called Ryo.

Tegoshi was standing near the window and stopped there.

“Close the door..” said Tegoshi short.

After he heard the sound of door closing, then Tegoshi turn his face around and face Ryo. To Ryo now, Tegoshi looked angry. Maybe Tegoshi really hates him after all.

“I’m sorry..” said Ryo.

“Sorry for?” snapped Tegoshi.

“I don’t know..”

“You now.. I don’t understand, you always gets mad every time I did something wrong.. Like when I spend my money often.. And what now? I think what I did by buying that motorcycle for a friend is an unforgivable thing to you, but why.. Why did you say that?” asked Tegoshi frustrated.

“Say what..” asked Ryo slowly.

“Why did you say those words and hugged me?!” said Tegoshi impatiently.

Ryo sighed. “Because I.. Like I said, I was… worried..”

“Why worry about someone like me who doesn’t even give shit to someone like you?” said Tegoshi with clenched teeth.

“I don’t need a reason to worry about you..”

“LIAR!” shouted Tegoshi.

“Tegoshi…” Ryo dropped his gaze to the floor. He’s trying to explain something that he doesn’t want anyone to know. It’s about his feelings.
The feelings that he kept to himself all of this time.

Then he can feel Tegoshi walking closer to him and stopped in front of him. Ryo lift his head up and their eyes meet.

It was almost like a dream when Ryo felt Tegoshi’s hand are cupping his face and he can smell the fair scent of Tegoshi getting closer and closer. Then suddenly he heard him whispered “I always knew.. you like me..”

Ryo parted his lips to say something back but he was distracted by the sudden kiss he received from Tegoshi. So fast so light, it was almost too good to be true.

“See..” Tegoshi narrowed his eyes. “I was right.. You like me..”

Ryo lowered his head, he wiped his lips. He’s used to the way Tegoshi treated him badly and referring everything is just a game to him.

Ryo felt Tegoshi’s hand are touching his shoulder, neck and back to his face again. He can see Tegoshi’s face very clearly infront of him. Tegoshi was smiling, but it was a devilish smile like he always had.

Ryo could feel their body glued together, and he can’t help to noticed that some parts of themselves were pressed to each other. And how Tegoshi are clinging to him and blowing on his ear, teasing him. Ryo should stop this, he can’t be fooled by him.

“Tegoshi, don’t..”

“I can tell from the way you gaze at me, Ryo.. But I thought because I irritated you a lot, that it might not be true.. “ Tegoshi chuckles a bit. “Well I guess now I know.. Maybe you can kill people easily, but can’t lie.. You sucked at lying.. especially to me..”

“Tegoshi stop..”

“You’re strong, ne.. Ryo.. I’m always with you.. almost everyday.. Sometimes I’m only alone with you.. But you never did something to me.. or even gave a hint that you have feelings for me..”

Ryo bit his lips, he can feel his hand is gripping his jacket tighter and tighter, he was angry. He was angry that he kept denying in his heart that everything Tegoshi said was true.

Except that, it was all true. He hates that. He hates that Tegoshi knew it.

“Oh.. And what about everytime I’m in the car with my friend.. I mean boyfriend, I mean friend..” Tegoshi chuckles again. “You must be burning up in front..”

“Shut up..” Ryo felt his body heated up.

“And all those time you waited in front of my friend’s house till late at night, waiting to take me home.. Didn’t you wonder what was I doing in my friend’s house until such a late hour..” Tegoshi made a thinking face.

“Shut up!” shouted Ryo. He took Tegoshi’s arms. And Tegoshi was startled, he grabbed his hand quite harshly. But Tegoshi didn’t look away, he stared back at Ryo.





Ryo snatched Tegoshi body and this time he was the one who captured Tegoshi’s lips and kiss him over and over, for some reason maybe it was to prevent Tegoshi from saying anymore provocative things about him and the other reason was that he’s been dying to do this for such a long time.

It last longer than both expected, somehow it wasn’t a passionate kiss but it gives them pleasure. It never occurred to Ryo that he could really hold Tegoshi’s slender body in his arms like now. Teasing him and kissing his neck.

And also how Tegoshi topped him first, with that sexy look on his face as he starts to touch Ryo. Everything about him just turns Ryo on and suddenly he found his clothes were off it’s place. Then what else could Ryo do? Other than giving Tegoshi what he wants.

--- ---


Last night..

I sleep with my.. Mmmm….

With Ryo.

Tegoshi sat on the bed, rubbing his own head. It was a bright Sunday morning. They didn’t close the curtain before so now the sunlight is striking right to their faces. But Ryo hasn’t wake up yet, still sleeping beside him.

Tegoshi could see that wide sturdy back of Ryo, with face buried on his pillow. He looked cute somehow, and Tegoshi giggles. Suddenly he heard an alarm beeping sound coming from the floor. Tegoshi looked for the sound and found that it was from Ryo’s phone.

Tegoshi crawled back to his bed. “Ri..yo..” he poked Ryo’s cheek.

There’s a slight reaction from Ryo, but he’s still too sleepy.

“Wake up.. wake up.. Your alarm is ringing..” said Tegoshi.

“Ng..?” Ryo opened his lazy eyes. “What?”


“Alarm?!” said Ryo shocked. He got up anxiously. “How long it has been ringing? Shit.. I’m late..”

“Dunno, maybe a couple time.. I just woke up too..” said Tegoshi leaning on the pillow, making himself comfortable even though Ryo was panicked searching his things on the floor.

Ryo hurriedly put on his pants and shirt.

“Is it another “job”?” said Tegoshi rolling his eyes.

“Yea, your brother would kill me if I’m late.. We’re meeting someone from Chiba..”

“Oh, well..” said Tegoshi yawning, he didn’t even bother to care about those stuff.

“Tegoshi…” called Ryo before opening the door.

“What?” Tegoshi glanced at him.

“About last night..”

“Hoooaaa… I’m sleepy now, I don’t want to talk about anything.. Besides, you’re gonna be late.. So.. We’ll talk later..” said Tegoshi before covering himself with the fluffly bedcover and closed his eyes again.

--- ---

i guess that's all for now,
as always comment are LOVE

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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