Bittersweet [7/?]

Mar 28, 2009 18:07

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Uchi Hiroki, a young man who has to survive living in Tokyo city and has to support three of his younger siblings, has never thought that at his current working place he’ll meet a little boy -who will lead him to a person that will turn his world upside down-
A/N : Uchi's time ^^
WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4][Chapter 5] [Chapter 6]

Chapter Seven

“Yamashita-san!” said Uchi surprised.

“What do you think you’re doing?” snapped Yamapi.

--- ---

Yamapi was standing there.

“Are you going with this man?” asked Yamapi straightforwardly. His eyes were pointed to the middle aged man who was standing beside Uchi.

“Yamashita-kun.. Why are you here??” Uchi was scared. Uchi felt his whole body freeze. He felt Yamapi’s hand on his arms were strong.

“I’m the one who’s asking the question here!” said Yamapi angrily.

“I’m.. I was just…” Uchi lowered his head. He was about to say something when suddenly Yamapi dragged him strappingly out from the night club. Uchi tried hard to pull his hand away from Yamapi, but it was useless.

“Yamashita-san!!!” shouted Uchi along the way.

Yamapi stopped his step. His hands were still holding Uchi’s. He turn his body and scold at him. “What were you thinking?! You were about to go and sleep with that man?” snapped Yamapi harshly.

Uchi frowned.

Yamapi knew…

“It’s none of your business!! Just let me go!!” said Uchi.

“Don’t be stupid!” said Yamapi again.

“I’m doing this with my own free will… Just let me go!!”

“Why?! Why are you doing this?”

“I had to!! I had to do it!! I need money!” cried Uchi desperately. He was already feel lost and ashamed being with Yamapi right now.

“But does it have to be this?! Do you have to offer yourself to some random guy you meet?”
Uchi dropped his head, he didn’t dare to lift his head up. His heart aches because Yamapi caught him doing this kind of thing. But it’s all doesn’t matter anymore.

“It doesn’t matter!! It doesn’t mean anything! It’s just one night!” said Uchi suddenly.
Yamapi was shocked hearing it coming from Uchi’s mouth. Yamapi gazed at him with disbelieve look. He felt his anger was rising up to his head. He took a deep breath before releasing it with a sigh.

“Fine..” said Yamapi.

Uchi waited.

“Fine then.. If it’s really doesn’t mean anything to you.. Then do it with me, I’ll pay you..”

--- ---

It happened so fast that they’re already inside a hotel room where Yamapi threw Uchi to the bed and let him lay there. Uchi didn’t say anything, he didn’t and he can’t understand what is going on right now. He was so sure of himself that he’s going to do whatever it takes.

But right now. He felt anxious.

Even though it was Yamapi the one in front of him.

He still feels nervous.

“You’re okay with whatever that man will do to you, right? So we won’t have a problem here..” said Yamapi as he starts to unbutton his own shirt. In a second Uchi could see those muscular chest exposed before him.

Uchi held his breath when suddenly the bed was shaking and he felt Yamapi topped him. He was powerless and terrified that all he can do is closed his eyes.

He felt everything is wrong, it’s just wrong to do this. Why did he put himself to do this in the first place?

And why.. Why the kind Yamapi is now really mad at him?

Why did it end up this way?

“Nooo!!” cried Uchi when he felt Yamapi touched his arm. That's all Yamapi did to him.

His eyes were rolling down tears because he was scared. It took a while before Uchi dared to open his eyes again.

“I just did that and you’re already panicking.. You're scared..” said Yamapi. “What makes you think this is easy..?”

Yamapi’s words stabbed right into Uchi’s heart.

Yamapi pulled himself off the bed, he stood up staring back at Uchi. “You should have thought this through..”

The room was quiet. They could only hear Uchi’s small sobbing sound.

“Something like this.. Could only be done with the one you love.. Other than that, just like you said before.. It doesn’t mean anything.. Worthless..”


“Do you know what you did was wrong?” asked Yamapi once again.

There’s nothing Uchi could reply with but a small shockingly nod.

“I really hate people who would do anything just for money!” said Yamapi furiously before leaving the room, leaving Uchi alone there. When Yamapi walked out that door, Uchi felt like he can’t hold it anymore so he cried alone. He hates himself. He wished all of this wouldn’t happen.

He was foolish.

And now… Yamapi hates him.

--- ---
Uchi forced himself to walk back to the house. Even though he doesn’t feel like doing anything. His steps were slow and lazy, he didn’t even pay any attention to the street. He bumps to people without saying sorry.

He managed to get home, and when he opened the door he saw Ryutaro and Yuto were already waiting for him to come home. He saw Yuto worried face, because it was already 1 am in the morning.

“Nii-chan… Where’s Kota-nii?” asked Ryutaro.

Once Uchi heard that he fell bending on his knees in front of Ryutaro and hugged him. He doesn’t know what to say to them. Maybe Yuto will understand, but Ryutaro probably wondering where his brother is.

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” only those words that could come from his mouth.

Maybe Ryutaro knew that Uchi, was in deep sadness. Then he also cried. Unexpectedly Ryutaro cried hugging his brother. Uchi hurriedly smiled at him and tells him nothing happen.

“Daijoubu..” said Uchi. He patted several times on his head.

All of a sudden behind them, they heard the sound of open door.

The three of them turn their heads at the entrance, and somehow it was Kota. Kota appeared from the door.

“Kota-nii!!” said Yuto happily.

Uchi stood up in a second. He was speechless, how in the world Kota suddenly here?

“How did you….” said Uchi shocked.

Kota laughed bitterly. “Somebody did it.. I don’t know.. Somebody named Yamashita bailed me out…”

--- ---

It’s been quite a long time since the last time Uchi ran this fast on the street. It was dark and lights were only coming from the streetlight. He has never been to Yamapi’s house before. He just knew the address from Chinen’s file at the Care Center.

But, he wants to come and see him in person.

The one that just taught him a lesson. The one that makes him cry before. The one that scared him before. And the one who helped him.. bring Kota back to them.

That 1 AM morning, Uchi considered that he was lucky enough that Yamapi was standing in front of the house door now, with him. Uchi was unsure whether Yamapi wants to see him or not after parting in an awful way before at the hotel. But Uchi prayed when he pushed the doorbell, that Yamapi will come out.

It’s has already been a long pause. Neither one of them talked.

Uchi felt stupid, he should be the one who talks first, he was the one demanding to see Yamapi in such hour. Yamapi must be was about to go to sleep. And now he made him stand in the middle of cold night breeze.




Another drop.

Uchi wiped his eyes with his thin sleeves.

“Thank you…” whispered Uchi.

Then he felt suddenly there’s a shoulder to cry on. Because his face was already buried inside Yamapi’s embrace. Somehow it’s letting Uchi’s face hide in there because he was crying. And it felt nice, and safe. He was tense with all these burden and pressure that he’s carrying alone.

Now it felt like he could let it all out. He grabbed Yamapi’s back and hugged him tight.

“Thank.. you for… helping me..” said Uchi again.

Yamapi didn’t say a thing, he just slowly caresses Uchi’s hair.

--- ---

that's all for now,
i'll try to finish this fic asap because next month i will be very busy ^^;;
but as for now comment are LOVE <333

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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