Devil or Angel (5/?)

Dec 30, 2008 17:23

Title : Devil or Angel (5/?)
Pairing : Ryotego - Uchipi
Summary : Two young men suddenly living as roommate. Uchi and Tegoshi. Two different person, two different personality. Who’s Devil? Who’s Angel?
Rating : PG-13


[chapter 1] [chapter 2][chapter 3][chapter 4]

Chapter 5

“Well what makes him like that.. A part of it was my fault..” said Ryo suddenly.

--- ---

“Will you stay over tonight?”

“Don’t make me..” whispered Uchi in a low voice, shook his head. His eyes were pleading Yamapi not to.

“Do you hate me that much..?”

After saying that, Yamapi rolled them around so now Uchi was the one on bottom. He held Uchi in his arms. Uchi saw Yamapi gazing at him with a tender glare. Usually the other will just staring at Uchi with eyes full of lust and desires when they’re with Uchi. But Yamapi was different after all.

No one has ever looked at Uchi the way Yamapi looked at him.

Uchi touched Yamapi’s face. Yamapi grabbed that hand and kissed it with his mouth. Uchi smiled a little, he’s already been drown by Yamapi affection. He loves the feeling of Yamapi’s strong hands are around him, it felt so warm and nice.

It was different from others.

--- ---

In about 8 minutes later, Ryo and Tegoshi arrived at the dorm. They separated at the lobby. Tegoshi bowed politely and saying thanks while Ryo just nodded. On the way to his room Tegoshi can’t stop thinking about what Ryo said. About part of it was Ryo’s fault.

Ryo didn’t continue talking after he said that. They just walk in silence until they reached the dorm. Because they saw Yamapi’s jeep already parked there, Tegoshi knew Uchi has already in the dorm. He runs fast because he wants to meet Uchi so bad.

“I’m back, Uchi-kun!!” shouted Tegoshi as he tries to open the door. But he got stuck because it was still locked. “Ehhh? Uchi-kun hasn’t come back?”

Tegoshi was confused. So he slowly opened the door with his keys and went inside. Yes, it was still dark. Uchi wasn’t there. Tegoshi turn on the light and he threw his body to the floor right away. This has always been his habit.

The floor was cold but Tegoshi’s face was warm. He’s thinking of something that’s making his face turns red. He’s thinking of his senpai and how they spent time together walking side by side. Tegoshi never thought he’ll be this happy just thinking about it.

“Kakkoiii….”mumbled Tegoshi.

“Ehem..” suddenly a voice struck Tegoshi. He was still in his current position lying in the
floor. Tegoshi lift his head and looked up the sound.


No, I must be dreaming!! Why is he here again???

Eh, nande??

Did he really make such strong impression on my mind that he appears in my thoughts and it felt so real?

“Nishikido-kun?” asked Tegoshi whe he saw Ryo was staring down on him. Tegoshi quickly make his way to sit properly. He was just embarrassed that Ryo what he was doing before, smiling like an idiot lying on the floor.

“Do you mind if I wait here..?” said Ryo with his husky voice.

“No, sure! But why.. What’s wrong?” asked Tegoshi right away.

“I kind of can’t go back to my room.. Because Uchi was there, with Yamapi..” said Ryo looking unsure.

“Oh..” nodded Tegoshi.

“And they were kind of doing it..” said Ryo uncomfortably again.

“Oh!” Tegoshi blink.

It was a bit weird after Ryo said that. But Tegoshi made his way to the refrigerator and took two can of orange soda. He brought it to the table and sit in front of Ryo. He still can’t believe it that he’ll spent some time again with his senpai. Gosh, his heart felt doki-doki so much. But he still doesn’t have any clue why that is, he thought he’s just being nervous.

“I hope you like soda..”

“Thanks, Tegoshi..” said Ryo. Tegoshi giggles at the mention of his name by Ryo. He actually thought Ryo is going to call him Tomoda too.

“Hmm.. Nishikido-kun, I’ve been meaning to tell you.. That when you’re sick, I ripped your shirt.. I think it was your yellow shirt with writings ‘it’s better in the bahamas’ on it.. Gomen ne.. I’ll buy you a new one when I received money from my mother.. I was planning to buy it like today, but I’m short on cash..”

“Well that explains everything..” said Ryo. But he wasn’t angry or what. “That’s okay.. I knew it already by the way, Uchi told me.. He ask me not to kick you for that..”

Tegoshi gulped.

“Well, how can I..” he said in low voice that it was impossible to hear it.

It seems like Ryo, this uncontrolled guy, listens to what Uchi tells him. “You are really close with Uchi kun, ne..” said Tegoshi.

Ryo sighed. He’s playing with his own cellphone on the table, twirl it around and around as he speak to Tegoshi. “Yea.. I’ve known him since we’re in junior high school.. I was a really badly behaved kid back then.. In our junior high school we have school pet, it was rabbits.. And I was kind of playing pranks on the rabbit, my friends and I were like throwing stones at the rabbits.. We’re such a stupid kids..”

“Eeeehh… I’ll hit people like that if I see it..” said Tegoshi automatically.

“Well, that was exactly what Uchi did to me! He slapped me right away!” said Ryo. “Even as a kid I was never lost in a fight, but when Uchi slapped me that day I felt like I was beaten… No one has ever dared to treat me that way because they’re all scared of me.. And it turns out that Uchi was the one who took care of the rabbits the most..”

“Aah.. Soukaaa..” Tegoshi listens while nodding his head a couple time.

“Hmmm.. after that, I don’t know what’s got into me.. I apologize to him, I think he was the first person I said sorry for my mistakes.. But he didn’t scold m at all, then he smiled at me.. And until now we’re bestfriend.. It’s such a funny story though..” said Ryo looking embarrassed telling Tegoshi about his past. He doesn’t usually tells people things like this.

Tegoshi can totally imagine Ryo back then as a little brat who thinks he rules the worlds, Tegoshi laughed a little at these thoughts.

Tegoshi put his hands folded on the table just to make it more comfortable. “So, Uchi-kun seems like a nice person, hearing from you story..”

“Umm.. How should I say this.. Since the first time we became friends, he’s already cold and unfriendly at first.. I’m curious too why he’s like that, so as time goes by I’m starting to understand and know the fact that he became like that was because he was unhappy.. He never felt loved, even with his parents.. Yeaa… something like that..” Ryo took a zip at his drink.
Tegoshi was astounded that right now Ryo’s face really has a kind expression.

“I think he used to witnessed his parents fighting and all.. Like even when he’s sick nobody is taking care of him.. Those kinds of thing made him hates what they called love.. He doesn’t believe love existed..” Ryo said it in a really gentle voice, like he can also feel what Uchi felt as he explains it.

“I felt so bad.. Uchi-kun..” said Tegoshi slowly.

Ryo gave him a bitter smile. But suddenly Ryo’s head was lowered. Tegoshi wanted to ask but he felt like its better off to leave Ryo like that.

“But after all.. I made it worse for him.. It was all my fault… That he became like this..” said Ryo with his regretted voice.

--- ---

The room was already quiet. The clothes are shattered down at the floor and the only thing wrapped around them was sheets. Yamapi held Uchi while he was lying on the bed, turning his back at Yamapi. He touched Yamapi’s hand that was circled around his waist. He could felt Yamapi kissed his shoulder softly.

The two of them was just lying there, relaxing. Uchi leaned his back on Yamapi’s chest. And just felt each other warmth.

“You’re amazing..” said Uchi honestly.


“Yes..” Uchi nodded slowly. Yamapi went silent for a while, but he tightens his arms on Uchi.

“Better than your other guys?” Yamapi asked.

Uchi closed his eyes when he heard Yamapi’s question. He can’t say anything, he won’t say anything. There’s no doubt that Yamapi was better than anybody else, but the question just stabs right into Uchi. Uchi was aware that Yamapi knew about it all this time, but he just doesn’t say anything about it.

Uchi doesn’t know why suddenly his eyes were wet and tears rolled down slowly without him knowing.

“Yamapi..” he called him.


But there’s no reply again from Uchi, he went still.

“What’s wrong?” Yamapi asked him when he saw that Uchi was crying silently.

“Aren’t you.. Aren’t you tired of dating someone like me..?” asked Uchi weakly.


“Aren’t there like so many people in our school that’s better and deserve you more than me..?”
Yamapi smiled calmly. “I’ve never once thought of comparing anyone to you..”

Uchi turn his body suddenly until his hand can reach Yamapi and hug him close.

--- ---

Tegoshi doesn’t want to seem over confident or too friendly, but he touched Ryo’s shoulder when he saw Ryo was hesitating about what he said before. Ryo seems like remembering something about it, but it wasn’t a pleasant memory. His eyebrows twitched and he looked like he’s angry. He’s upset.

“Nishikido-kun, are you okay?” asked Tegoshi worriedly, but he tried to keep fair distance because he doesn’t want to make Ryo uncomfortable.

“Yea..” answered Ryo.

Tegoshi stared at him. While Ryo was blank. But then he speaks again.

“It was.. It happened when Uchi was still a freshman.. He just entered our high school and he doesn’t even want to make friends at all so I’ve been hanging out with him a lot, because I just don’t want him to be alone.. That time, I’ve been having problems with this one person from another high school.. We fought a lot, but he never beats me anyway.. I’m stonger than him.. In a fight man in man or gang fight I’ve always won.. And I think it pisses him off..”

“What’s that got to do with Uchi-kun? Uchi-kun doesn’t fight, right?” asked Tegoshi naively.

“No, Uchi always tells me to cool it down, because it’s getting pretty serious… He’s afraid I might get hurt in the end.. He worries about me a lot.. But I was just too stubborn and careless, I didn’t listen to him.. And that man, the ones I was having problems with decided to hurt me not by fighting me.. But by hurting someone close to me.. And that was when they hurt Uchi..”

--- ---

Ryo ran through that building, he tries hard to keep his mind clear. But he was mad enough that he could kill that man that took Uchi away. He’s never been this angry for all his life.
He just needs to find his bestfriend.

When he received the phone call telling where Uchi might be he didn’t waste another time but to rush to the place. He hates himself for letting Uchi get involved in his matter.

He tried to stop thinking about what might happen to Uchi, or what has happened to Uchi. He cursed himself if anything’s ever happened to Uchi, he won’t forgive himself.

“Uchi!!” shouted Ryo knocking the door hard. But it was locked. Ryo was impatient and he just kicked the door until it broke and fell down. Ryo hurriedly entered the room, eyes searching for his bestfriend.

“No.. Uchi!!” screamed Ryo.

There he found him. Alone. He found Uchi lying on the floor, bare with nothing but blanket around his naked body. Ryo hurriedly held the half-unconscious Uchi, he saw bruises all over Uchi’s body and some on Uchi’s pretty face.

“Uchi.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry!!” cried Ryo. “DAMN IT!! No.. Please… Uchi…” Ryo held him closer.

He touched the corner of Uchi’s lips it was a bit injured. He can feel the warm tears are rolling from his own eyes.

“Ryo-chan..” suddenly he heard Uchi called him. His voice was very fragile.

Ryo pulled away and tried to look into Uchi’s eyes. The moment Uchi saw Ryo, Uchi still gave Ryo a weak smile.

“Ryo-chan..” called Uchi. “I’m okay..”

“Uchi.. I’m the worst.. I’m the worst.. It’s all my fault..” said Ryo, his head lowered. He couldn’t even face Uchi. He felt miserable.

“I’m glad.. You’re okay..” said Uchi.

“NO!!! I would rather being beaten by them than seeing you like this!!!” shouted Ryo again.

He was really upset. Uchi did nothing, he was just too weak. Ryo made Uchi leaned to him. He wanted to make Uchi at least feels like he’s already safe.

But then suddenly Uchi let out his cry.

“It hurts.. They hurt me..” said Uchi.

Ryo was stunned, seeing Uchi’s tears.

Unable to say anything because Ryo knew nothing is going to make it right again. Nothing he could do to make Uchi felt better. Uchi’s been hurt and harassed by them, and Ryo won’t even imagine other things they did to Uchi.

“I swear, Uchi.. I’ll make them regret this!! I’ll make them suffer!!. I’ll.. KILL THEM!”

--- ---

“I was.. You don’t even.. You can’t imagine how I feel that time, I made my bestfriend went through all that.. I just, I just wished I could change all that..”

“Nishikido-kun..” Tegoshi stared at Ryo.

“After that, Uchi became more insecure with people.. He can’t trust people anymore.. And unlike us, we’re still searching for.. I mean, love and stuff.. He just doesn’t think it’s important anymore, he doesn’t treasure being with people.. So he lives the way he wants, I don’t think he’s even care about happiness..”

Tegoshi moved closer, he just doesn’t mind about it anymore. He really wants to hold Ryo, so he did that. Even if Ryo would push him away or ditch him and stop talking to him again, he won’t think of it. He just wants to hold Ryo.

And when Tegoshi did that, unexpectedly Ryo stayed in his arm and leaned on to his shoulder. Tegoshi got the feeling that Ryo was trying to calm himself, because telling that bitter past somehow makes Ryo became emotional and angry again.

“That’s why I’m very protective of him.. I don’t want such things happened to him again, I felt responsible for what happened before..” said Ryo slowly.

Tegoshi lost all of his voice and words. He didn’t think such beautiful person like Uchi-kun, and such strong person, like Ryo, could have such a terrible past.

He actually thought everyday he was the most unfortunate person on earth, but now he realized that life was so much harder for others who never complaints about it.

--- ---

Uchi has never hugged anyone first where he asked for comfort and protection feelings, it’s different when he hugs someone first to make the other feel comfortable. But now he’s holding on to Yamapi, burying his face on Yamapi’s chest. Yamapi couldn’t see his face, he doesn’t if Uchi saw still crying or not.

Then he put his hand on Uchi’s hair, ruffling his fingers through it slowly. He wants to hold Uchi forever, he wants Uchi to need him, he wants Uchi to know that he cares a great deal for him. Yamapi knew all about Uchi, and he accepts him for who he is.

It’s just that, maybe Yamapi was too late. He should have met Uchi earlier.

“Uchi.. I love you..”

“I don’t believe in love, Yamapi..”

--- ---
im at my hometown now ^^
had so much fun on the trip, will tell about it later..
maybe im going to make a post for it,
anyway this chapter revealed Uchi's past,
what do you think?
as always comment is LOVE ^^

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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