I could use your help....

Aug 19, 2007 01:17

As some of you know, I'm heading into the final stretch of my BBA degree. I'm currently taking Business Research Methods and I have a end of class project where I have to submit a research proposal, and deliver a 10 min presentation along with supporting data. Here's the proposal:

Proposal to determine what moviegoers prefer in summer blockbusters.

Problem statement:

During the summer movie months, studios release their blockbuster movies. These event movies are costing more and more to produce. In 2006, the cost to produce the top 10 movies was over 1.3 billion. However, the movie industry has been in a slump in ticket sales. The ROI needs to be increased by getting more people into the theater.

Research questions:

What do moviegoers want to see in their summer movies to make them go to the theater?
What do summer movies fail to provide in your expectations?
What do you like about the theater going experience?
What do you dislike about the theater going experience?
Do you prefer watching movies in the theater or at home?

Literature Review:

Data will be researched using trade magazines, news magazines, and internet movie data sites

Importance/benefits of the study:

With the information gleamed from the study, movies and the theater going experience can be tailored to provide a greater perceived value to the customer. This should lead to stopping the box office profit fall, and even getting moviegoers to attend multiple viewings of the same movies.


So how does this impact you dear reader? I need you to click on the link to the survey below and complete it - it should take less than 5 min. Also please feel free to get anyone you can talk into it to take the survey - the more the merrier. I'll stop taking submissions Monday 8/20 at 3pm.

Thanks for your help!

Click Here to take survey
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