It's not speed, it's rate of closure....

Jul 23, 2007 00:23

On my way to the base, I sat innocently at the stoplight. There I was minding my own business. The light changed and I got into the intersection, when suddenly, a man who must have fancied himself a budding scientist, felt they perhaps 2 objects could indeed occupy the same space at the same time.

The components:

1. Green light with right of way - mine
2. Very red light - his
3. Truck - his
4. Mustang - mine
5. Variable: small car - 3rd party

And here is the results of his experiment on my car

Yep. Broadsided, drivers side, at a decent clip. No one was injured (just headache and the occasional twinge), though a passenger in a 3rd car that was involved was taken by ambulance, as a precaution. You know that Allstate commercial where they say "take pictures, collect witnessness, get information, etc". What they fail to mention is that if you are in an accident, you may not be firing on all thrusters and not have that presence of mind. I did get contact info and his insurance is going to cover it, but considering what the body shop said -- I'm betting it's going to be totaled.
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