Why oh why do I end up with so many screencaps?!
And here's part 2 of chapter 9. In we have a reactor, Kiwi in a cowgirl outfit and Sephy going a little crazy. Fun times!
The following morning, we meet our guide. In a revelation that shocks no one, our guide is Kiwi.
She's probably the only guide in tow :P
The guy insists on getting his picture. Sephy sorta agrees and gets his picture taken with Papaya and Kiwi.
I cannot imagine Sephiroth saying that.
A nice view of the mountains and the reactor.
She means the road to the reactor. I hope.
On the way, they have a little trouble with the bridge.
For some reason this cap makes me giggle.
No worries though. most of our players make it out alive.
"Lowercase soldier #2. You are hereby promoted to lowercase soldier #1. Make us proud."
Everyone then proceeds to go inside Papaya and we continue our journey once I figure out which way to go.
Oh and since we got Sephy in our party, we can check his stats.
Look at all that mastered materia! And no, we cannot take it. Believe me when I say I've tried.
And to think that after this I'll be stuck with that ragtag bunch of misfits I have to level up myself :(
A large, twisted root.
The cave is oh so shiny because of Mako Energy. Oh Uncle Iroh, is there anything you cannot do?
We get more battles too, in which we each use our current skills.
Um, Sephy? A little help?
To be fair, I didn’t take caps of the one battle where he did help me out by throwing potions at me/magically kept me alive (Can't remember which method he used. It was on my original game). However, I kept getting hit by the monsters and he soon realized I was a lost cause.
Kiwi is dawn to the shiny.
"And this is a serious issue! I mean, not the 'I hate it so much I'm gonna blow up reactors sometime in the future' kind of serious. But yeah, it's bad."
For a better view of Kiwi's outfit, I suggest
this video. And if you haven't see Dead Fantasy yet, please do. It's awesome.
Time from a foreshadowing lesson with Professor Sephy.
Then kiwi is either playing with the fountain or fell asleep due to Sephy's talking.
Aw, Mom loves when Hojo gets a mention.
We finally make it to the reactor. Kiwi is dissapointed to learn she's not allowed inside.
But I love reactors! Is not like I'm going to join AVALANCHE and try to destroy them or something. :(
You can almost hear lowercase soldier go "Gulp!"
Maybe the door says "Pull" and they're pushing instead. It happens where I work a lot.
Right, close the valve...
Oh! It was here.
Can I see? Can I see? Can I see? Can I see?
Aw, nobody told me there was going to be a test!
I was gonna say that.
Abnormal? A freak of nature? Something that should have never existed?
Need a Tylenol?
Sephy then proceeds to freak out and start swinging the Masamune at the containers, which causes Papaya to jump back, horrified as his best friend seems to have gone mad.
Sephy looks kinda funny when he runs.
Aw, it could be worse, Sephiroth.
You could look like that.
For some reason, Papaya's words fail to comfort Sephiroth.
Specially since back then their motto was "Shinra Electric Company: WE ARE NOT PRODUCING MONSTERS, OK? GOOD, MOVE ON."
"We were kinda hoping there would be candy and unicorns inside the reactor instead."
"Though it doesn't explain how they always seem to carry gil and healing items."
No kidding, I said that aloud the first time I played. Finally a a chance to save the game.
And so Chapter 9 comes to an end. The conclusion to Papaya's Very long Flashback coming next chapter - which should be up once I finish uploading the other 679482759 screencaps.
PS: Watch Dead Fantasy. It's awesome.
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