Let's Play: Final Fantasy VII - Chapter 9.1

Jul 09, 2011 10:06

I'M BACK!!! After having almost everything inside my computer replaced and then having to find the money to paid for said repairs and then having to start the game from scratch, I have returned.

Here's the first part of Chapter 9. I may have gone overboard with the caps and I must split...

Past parts can be found

Chapter 9.1 - Flashback Flashback Flashback!

After almost six hours playing in a polluted, crime infested metropolis, we get fresh air and lots of open space…

I miss Midgar already.

On our way around, we make some new friends. This fellow here uses Matra Magic on us. As Tifa has the Enemy Skill material equipped, we get our first skill!

Finally we make it to Kalm.

I don't know why she sounds so freaked. Maybe someone in my party looks weird for her? I bet is Fresita.

But I came right after you and Kiwi! :(

"Sephiroth and the Crisis of the Planet" sounds like a Captain Planet episode.

Kudos to Papaya for remembering. I can barely remembering what I was doing five minutes ago.

"There were hard times. I was a member of an elite armed force and yet I was legally too young to buy my own beer."

And so we begin a very. Long. Flashback. So long characters from Noir took one look at this and said "That's a lot of flashback!"

When my mom saw this, she thought Sephiroth was a girl.

Papaya is being all nice to the guy with the motion sickness.

Then he starts doing squats. Work it, Papaya! That skill will come in handy in a few years.

Ooooh, it's one of those atypical missions thingies!

How awful! Sure, no war means less deads, but what about poor Papaya and his heroic dreams?

"hopefully this will be better than the 'Rescue cat from tree' missions."

And worse, one of the lights on the control panel is off.

Step 3: ????????
Step 4: PROFIT!

Anyways, this reactor thingie is located at someplace called Nibelheim.

I totally read that in Homer Simpson's voice.

Wohoo! time for battle.

*Stares at stats* AW COME ON!

That was not embarrassing at all.

And by "mesmerized" he means "KO'ed while Sephy did all the work."

Sephy doesn't have a hometown.

So Sephy’s dad was a comedian then?

Different priorities. They haz them.

Or maybe there was a Cowboy Bebop marathon on.

Sephiroth is not actually giving Papaya permission to see his friends. He just wants everyone away while he does his hair.

Lowercase soldier is nervous.

"You think he'll take my picture if I ask nicely?"

Papaya wanders around. There's a few people who recognize him and some odd flashes.

He doesn't want to talk about seeing him mum, but the gang insists and we go see Mrs. Papaya.

I've seen grapes display more affection than our boy here. Mrs. Papaya goes for Mom talk...

"I remember that time you managed to set a pot of water on fire. Good times."

After lots of mom Talk alternating with the odd flashes, Papaya refuses to keep talking bout it and moves on. time to visit Kiwi's home.

You cannot see it here, but actually tries to straighten his clothes a little. Also, notice that there seems to be two fridges. Reminds me of my granny's house. There's the house fridge and then there's one filled only with malts. whenever I went visiting I would end up selling a malt or two when people came asking.

OK! Moving on...

Mr. Kiwi's bedroom.

Stairway to Heaven just doesn't have the same impact on a piano.

I haz the feeling that Kiwi might not be the Gold Saucer Date.

Then we check the letter. One of Kiwi's friends has sent her a letter from Midgar.

I am shocked at this bit of info. Papaya seems like such a sociable guy.

"But I heard a place called 'The Honeybee Inn' is hiring right now. So hopefully I'll get a job there soon."

That doesn't sound creepy at all.

Anyone knows how to play "Starway to Heaven" on the piano?

With nothing else left to do on kiwi's home, Papaya goes exploring. On another home, he comes across these two little kids.

SALTZA, 1st class has a nice to it, don't ya think?

You can see Shinra Mansion behind Papaya. We cannot go in yet. but we can talk to the man a few steps ahead.

That's one interesting job. He's also Kiwi's dad.

I think he likes our hero.

This is Zangan, Kiwi's teacher.

As far as I can tell, that is his signature move.

We go see Sephy, who's being all nostalgic about a place he's never been in before.

But more importantly, lowercase soldier is going to point out one of the things that bugs me the most about this game...

THANK YOU! Almost everyplace we can rest in, only has three beds. Story-wise, you mostly have three people in your party, but sometimes everyone is there and I wanna know how do they sleep then?

In this case, I'm guessing the lowercase soldiers share? Sephy and Papaya don't strike me as the cuddling kind.

Shouldn't they be short two beds? There are three lowercase soldiers if you count the driver...

"Despite being elite Shinra elite, we have no idea how to get to our own reactors, cannot read a map and won't ask for directions."

"But is either this or asking for directions."

And we take a little break here as everyone goes to bed (again, how do the five of them share the three beds?) Next part coming soon.

This entry was originally posted at http://lafemmedarla.dreamwidth.org/717381.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

final fantasy, let's play

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