Previously on Final Fantasy VII: We met Tifa Kiwi, who is very sweet, very protective of Papaya and unlike the boys prefers to fight with her hands. I love her already. We learned what to do with materia and after leaving a little kid in charge of a bar, went to blow up more reactors. All fun and games until President Shinra found us and Papaya fell to what I hope is not his certain doom - the game cannot be that short, right? Also, I give his fall a 7.5
And I kinda forgot to record/Screencap the last part of this update *facepalm*
Chapter 3 -Who sleeps all night in a cake made of strawberry?
More weird flashbacks/voiceovers.
Without context, they get even weirder.
Hey, it's the flower girl! After making sure that Papaya is alive she inform us we are in a church in the Sector 5 Slums.
The roof, the flowers, Papaya's hair - it all makes for some nice cushioning.
Papaya’s trying hard to remember where they have met before.
This is becoming my favorite subject. Fresita seems to have some of her own.
Even if does nothing, can I borrow it?
Notice the long distance she had to go in order to check the flowers.
Now here's the thing: Donut named her Strawberries (or should it be Strawberrieth?) but name didn't fit in the bar so I wrote Fresita instead. And then spent a whole five minutes feeling nostalgic because that's what we called
Strawberry Shortcake here. Good times.
The only thing Papaya cannot do is keep his hair from sticking out like that.
Eventually they notice they got company.
PAPAYA: No, but I've seen the movie. Want me to carry you around around as I sing "I Will Always Love You"?
Fresita needs a little less Houston, a little more Costner.
Oh, Papaya! The selfless hero. She promises him a date. He was hoping to be paid in brownies :(
"Your hair is pretty cool. How do you get it to stick out like that?"
"It's so... navy and white and not too crazy. Are you sure you're in the right game?"
"This guy complimented my hair. He may live... for now."
Fresita's got her priorities.
As Fresita and Papaya run away, Reno (Seriously?) cannot stop thinking about our hero's eyes.
Fresita is going to kill them.
We got some battles on our way out. Nothing too complicated.
Of course, things cannot go smoothly all the time and Fresita falls out of Papaya's reach.
On this part we have to help Fresita by knocking down the mooks with barrels. If we don't hit them, she has to fight them. Don't ask how I even managed to hit one. Where's Donkey Kong where you need him?
We somehow make it without getting her killed and then walk around the roof trying to find a way out. I felt bad for her because I had no idea what was I doing and so I kept bumping into stuff while she followed. I half expected her to just grab me and show me the way.
Church is bigger on the inside.
"My life of crime has finally caught up with me."
Maybe you thought that because they were trying to kidnap you?
"Like stealing candy from kids, ripping tags off matresses and murder."
Fresita would make an awesome SOLDIER. If only she wasn't so busy selling flowers and quite possibly being the official crime boss of Sector Five.
On our way we find a sick guy.Fresita wants Papaya to do something.
So much for Papaya being able to do anything.
Most Original Tattoo Ever this ain't. Maybe he won second place in something? He's got some trophies there.
Moving on, I found what must be the greatest store ever.
See? What an amazing concept. Time to go to Fresita's house.
"The church is the only place in Midgar where flowers bloom," she said... I guess those are cabbages then. Ooooh, materia!
Inside, we meet Elmyra, Fresita's Mom.
"Just don't ask him to sing 'I Will Always Love You.' Just... don't."
"Even though he sucks at Real Life Donkey Kong."
Then Papaya asks for directions to Sector Seven.
"I didn't become the Crime Boss of Sector 5 by running away from danger."
How cute. Papaya is still afraid of cooties. Fresita is not amused.
Now that your bodyguard has brought you safe and sound to your home, you want to risk your life scorting him to his house?
Elmyra convinces Fresita to get some sleep before going on another Kamikaze mission. Once our Flower Girl is out of earshot, she's got a favor to ask.
Got it. Fresita's mom wants this to be a one night stand.
Of course, if you've been sleeping in basement using pipes as pillows...
Papaya has another flashback, this time with her mom. She wants him to settle down and find a girlfriend.
Sneaking out is a lot harder than it seems. If you run and/or move too close to Fresita's door, a board creaks and she tells you to go back to bed.
Anyways, we finally made it out and just as I find the way...
How did she made it here befo... oh, who am I kidding? I wandered around for about three minutes! She had time to make herself a sandwhich, eat it and then come and wait here.
The way between Sector 5 and Sector 7 is through Sector 6? You learn something new everyday.
Take a guess at how many times I got lost in here.
Fresita's Limit Break is all about healing. Which is a good thing given my mad gaming skillz.
Look Ma! I'm fighting a giant house! I had to restart this part because my Mom didn't believe me about this battle.
And here's the part that I forgot to cap. Basically, they arrived at a playground just in front of the Sector 7 Doors. Fresita made Papaya climb to the top of a slide and they started talking. Apparently, Fresita had a boyfriend who, like Papaya, was SOLDIER 1st Class. I am not sure if she was flirting or not, as she didn't invite Papaya to see any Midgar maps.
Suddenly the Doors opened and we sawa carriage. On the back of said carriage we saw Kiwi, in a little blue dress.
So who jumped in and started running after the carriage in an attempt to find out what was going on? Fresita of course. Papaya had no choice but to go after both girls, wondering if joining AVALANCHE was such a good idea after all.
Next update coming soon. And this one comes with the obligatory cross dressing mission! Seriously, if you guys have told me there was a cross dressing mission I would have played this sooner.
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