Let's Play: Final Fantasy VII - Chapter 2

Feb 22, 2011 11:54

Previously on Finfal Fantasy VII: Our brave hero, Papaya, started his heroic jou... Ah, who am I kidding? An ex-SOLDIER my Donut named Papaya joined Mr. T lookalike Yesaidu and his ragtag bunch of misfits into what can be called an eco terrorist act because it totally was. Along the way he fought guards and machines with his Big Sword of Overcompensating, bought a flower and jumped on top of a moving train. After such a day he's probably craving a good drink. Lucky for him, the gang's hideout is a bar.

Chapter 2 - I think I'll have a hard one too

The first person to greet Papaya is this little girl. He looks rather horrified at the greeting. Maybe “Papa” is just short for Papaya!

He is then greeted by my second favorite character.

The Donut named her.

You are given the choice of giving the flower to either Kiwi or the little girl, Marlene. For the life of me I cannot remember my choice.

Turns out Marlene is Yesaidu's daughter. He's all sweet and nice with her. To the others? Not so much. Everyone goes to their meeting room via pinball machine and Papaya lingers a little longer by the bar.

Kiwi serves him a DRINK AND NOTHING ELSE and acts all protective towards our so called hero.

Papaya takes the pinball machine to the meeting room, where Jessie is sad about all the people they killed with their bomb. Papaya and Yesaidu get into an argument because Papaya cares nothing about their cause, or the Shinra for matter. He just wants his money.

I'd like to point out that during the whole thing, little Marlene has been sitting there, listening to the whole thing. It feels innapropiate. So, Papaya leaves, despite Kiwi arriving and trying to get the boys to talk.

That is one tiny bar.

"We have cookies"

PAPAYA: Well... yeah?

PAPAYA: Probably. I mean, I can barely remember what I had for breakfast today... Wait, I think I had some oatmeal.

"Let me get you a handy flashback to remember"

"Why didn't I bring a sweater, specially since meeting there was my idea?"

Wee!Papaya and Wee!Kiwi!!!!!

Wee!Papaya has dreams of joining SOLDIER.

PAPAYA: what was that noise?
KIWI: I don't know, but it was scary.

"A promise that I will remind you of for the rest of our lives. So if you join SOLDIER and become a famous hero..."

I don't know, Kiwi. So far Papaya's heroics haven't been that nice.

"So there, let's declare this matter closed and..."

PAPAYA: ... didn't we have this same dialogue, word by word, last week when you "needed" help moving a couch? You cannot use a promise like that!

They get interrupted by Yesaidu who for some reason couldn't use the elevator pinball machine thingie this time.

PAPAYA GETS PAID! YAY! I AM RICH! We then negotiate the payment for the next mission. Yesaidu drives a hard bargain, but justified as he is saving money for Marlene's education.

The next morning. The place is so small that Papaya doesn't have a bed, he sleeps on the floor of the meeting room.

And judging by the bit of dialogue, everyone else sleept on the same room. Maybe they need to spend a little less in bombs and a little more in furniture.

"You guys need some muscle in your team."

At this point, we also get a mini tutorial on how to use Materia (aka those little balls I thought were candy). Apparently you equip them in your weapon/armor and you can do magic and stuff.

Right, because security won't be extra tight now that one reactor was blown to pieces. They cannot show any less common sense even if they tried...

... I stand corrected.

How many drinks would a little girl know how to make? How old is Marlene anyway?

Then we're off to the train station. Well, before that I wandered around and found a place called the Beginner's Hall, where I learned some game mechanics info (which I'll likely forget as I type this) and got some new armor and materia. Finally we take the train, where Yesaidu makes friends with a Shinra exec.

See? It is a pickup line!

Kiwi's flirting skills are better than Jessie's it seems.

Not that it matters as alarms suddenly start going off.

Looks like they've been found. Next part of the game will feature the gang in Midgar's prison, lifting weights while Marlene tries to sneak in pies filled with lockpicks.

Wait, Jessie has a plan! I'm not sure how that plan is going to hold once there's no train left.

This part was also timed and you 10 to 15 seconds to get to the next car. Somehow I made it in one piece and all the playable characters get to jump off the train at the end. I guess that works too.

Which probably means Biggs and Jessie are taking turns pushing buttons and Wedge... what does Wedge do exactly?

We kill some enemies along the way and find our way blocked by some lasers. Papaya suggests going through a little trapdoor, which Yesaidu doesn't like.

Jessie explains to us why the ID check went wrong. She switched Papaya's name from "Ben Dover" to "Jacques Strap" and that did it.

Alright, off to bomb another reactor and kill lots of people on the way. I might as well take this missions seriously, ya know?


On the way we fight more mooks and machines. I didn't get a good screencap this update, but Kiwi's fighting is awesome.

Soon the route starts resembling the one in my last mission and I seriously start worrying that this is actually the first mission and I forgot to save. Thankfully, I turn out to be wrong.

Just as we are about to set the bomb, we get flashbacks.

Kiwi flashbacks. Apparently Sephiroth...


... did this. After ranting about Sephy, Shinra, the reactors and the fangirls, she grabs the katana and heads inside. Flashback's over, we set the bomb and yay no timer! Time to get away.

Simple enough, right? Yeah, let's pretend it didn't take me about 20 times to get it right and move on.

Escape plans don't go as smoothly as we hoped. We are quickly surrounded by soldiers and...

The President of the Shinra Company, who comes complete with the usual evil speech.

Luckily Yesaidu's Mad Debating Skillz will save the day...

Or not. But do not fret, I still remember some of my learnings and mechnical bits are vulnerable to lightning materia or something. Fight is soon over and everything goes without a hitch.

Ok, almost everything.

"Besides, you got all the good materia in your equipment!"

"I'm the hero of this story! The one that appears on the game box holding a giant sword! There's no way they're going to kill me off..."


... Wait, there's still more game? Sweet! I'll have that up on my next update :D

This entry was originally posted at http://lafemmedarla.dreamwidth.org/703239.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

final fantasy, let's play

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