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tijd December 31 2022, 04:45:44 UTC
Дуровых было много. В более полной версии Таер пишет:

"From the Zoo we went to the Durov Animal Museum. The Durovs were a well-known family of animal trainers for a generation or more before the Revolution. They had been famous all over Europe. In their honour the Soviet Government had established a museum of live and dead animals. One of the exhibits I remember very well. I had first visited the Museum with the daughter of a Scandinavian diplomat. An attendant pointed out a gaudy cockatoo sitting peacefully on a perch.
«You will notice that the bird isn't chained and yet it never tries to get off its perch», the attendant said. «The reason is that for twenty years the bird was chained to the perch and after the chain was taken off, she had lost any thought of leaving it».
«That's a hell of a thing to show a Soviet audience», my companion muttered. «How many years is it since the Revolution?»
Aside from the cockatoo there was not much material for a team of entertainers at the Museum.
As a last resort we went to the Circus. In Moscow the Circus is more like a theatre. It has only one ring housed in a permanent building and operates all the year round. There we saw some trained horses (not very good for parquet floors), some trained dogs (not very original at best), some trained bears (a little lethargic, we decided, for a Christmas party and besides someone might try to make some political capital out of our replacing Santa Claus by a bear that walked like a man). And then we saw the seals. There were three of them - Misha, Shura and Lyuba. They did aIl the regular seal acts, bouncing balls on their noses, climbing ladders while balancing their little dunce caps, and even playing tunes on the harmonica (only instead of The Stars and Stripes Forever they played the Internationale).
As soon as the act was over, we went down to see the seal trainer, a young man also of the Durov family, though, we gathered, not a direct descendant of the Great Durovs. He was still in his early twenties and free of most inhibitions."


lafeber January 1 2023, 05:01:32 UTC
>> a young man also of the Durov family, though, we gathered, not a direct descendant of the Great Durovs.

Двоюродный племянник, значит, или где-то около того.

Молодой, а уже выпивает конкретно и градус не держит. Бросит его Люба.


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