How fun, I got tagged to do one of those LJ 'pass-it-on' things...
Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
1. I like to talk to dogs in Cantonese (Chinese dialect) and cats in Japanese because I always feel that they understand me better that way. (and yes, all cats are neko-chan)
2. My absolute favourite colors are (in order from 1st to 5th):
White, symbolizing purity.
Green, symbolizing nature.
Black, symbolizing emptiness (the void)
Blue, symbolizing tranquility
and Red, symbolizing passion.
Incidentally these are the same 5 colors in the Magic card battle game, except that I only use Green and/or Red decks when I played last time.
3. I like traveling alone in transit, be it walking, cycling, on the train, etc. because it brings out a reflective side in me.
It especially helps if I have musical accompanyment (like iPod). Otherwise, I find myself making up songs at the same time.
4. I get rather uncomfortable when I have to eat meals in the absence of adaquate lighting (and by adaquate I mean, a whole lot). I need my light when I eat. Therefore, candlelight dinners = bad.
5. I'm like a kid in that I have a very weakspot for food that is crispy or fried. This usually extends to baked, toasted or grilled items. I love tempura, fries, thin-crusted pizza, pan-seared gyoza and the list can go on...
6. I think of life as being like a never-ending novel with numerous chapters in it. Usually each chapter is like an episode within that tells of 1 focal point, and the chapters have names, themes, and colors of significance to go along with it. This idea is inspired mainly from the Japanese novel the Tale of Genji.
7. For everyone who has asked me how old I am, none of them have ever guessed correctly. Most people are usually off by 7 years, tops (they think I'm younger). Its quite annoying cos I get my ID checked for stuff I'm way above the age limit for.. like NC16 movies. I am 23 this year.
8. I absolutely adore the Final Fantasy series, especially its later iterations because they take on very universal issues within the game. Also because they take the RPG genre's story-telling core and elevate it to a whole new level - one that would make it comparable to other more respected forms of media and art.
My favourite FF, for the record, is VIII.
but anyway, those are my 8. Rambled a little. My bad.
time to tag 8 people.