For quite some time now, I've been considering doing Salvage to get some nice gear for myself... but I've always been confused by the whole NM and drop system. In a bid to help myself figure out Salvage, I made a bunch of NM drop charts for myself just as I did for Sky about a year ago to familiarize myself and have something available for easy reference. Also, its because I'm a highly visual person so it helps me to know roughly what needs to be done in a Salvage run for get to each NM...
Anywayz, I'm really happy with my work but I'm pretty sure I'll have to make changes to it (especially Zhayolm cos of F1 Madame's little known drop pool)
I thought I'd share a preview of what its like :D Actual sizes are approximately A4 (for me to print and file) and I'm not sure if Photobucket sized em down... I think I'm making an end-game easy reference guide for myself now.